“Clutter Busting for Health and Success”
42-minute MP3 and Quarter-Hour Quantum Leap Session – Reg $297
Are you embarrassed by the cluttered state of your home?
Do you have trouble finding important papers or things you need IMMEDIATELY?
Wish you had areas creating a sense of “peace” in your home?
Then this program is for you!
You will learn how clutter:
- Affects at least 18 areas of our lives
- Stops the flow of money
- Negatively affects your health
You will:
- Learn activities to support you in your goal for de-cluttering
- Discover some tips to prepare you to do the de-cluttering process
- Realize the impact clutter is having on your health and finances and
- Gain insights into the best times to do de-cluttering and organizing for best results.
Regularly $297, NOW $97