Toxic homes have caused several of my serious health issues. How about you? Do you know if your home is making you sick or hurting your loved ones?

“The Healthy Home Workbook” cover, the first course I took to learn about creating a healthy home environment back in 1995 when I was told I’d never walk again. I found the cleaning products in my bathroom were causing me the extreme pain and joint issues.
I’ve recently had a dear friend die from cancer and two other “best” friends diagnosed with cancer who are now about to go through chemotherapy. My heart aches for the pain and suffering they, as well as their families, are going through. I have been in their shoes several times, both with my husband’s diagnosis and mine. We found the toxins from cleaning products, and then other pollutants we had inadvertently brought into our home, were either the cause of the health issues or definitely not supporting our healing. We “cleaned up our home” by cleaning out the chemicals.
I have been using eco-friendly cleaning products for about 15 years. I’d been using Melaleuca’s tea tree oil for a few medicinal purposes, yet I didn’t know they had cleaning products. About 3 years ago I was introduced to them and I haven’t looked back since. In fact, I’m so impressed with them I shared the information with my daughter Melanie. She is a lovely, intellectual lady who investigates and questions, rather than just taking someone else’s word about anything.

Here’s the training manual for becoming a Certified Green Building Professional. I took the course in 2005. That’s when I learned there was mold in my house and I was highly allergic to it. It caused me to lose my voice.
Melanie has three boys active in all sorts of sports. When she used the Melaleuca Ecosense Laundry product, she found it got out the foul “locker room” smells from the boy’s uniforms. Then she started the boys on the snacks and healthy sports/energy products. These boys were out-performing their teammates who were not using them. Now most of the teammates also are onboard with the products.
I share this background information for a few reasons.
First, if you or a loved one have health issues, PLEASE get rid of the toxic household cleaning products. I can say from personal experience they are causing serious health issues. There is new documentation on this everyday.
Second, as you know, up to this point, I have not promoted products in my blog. I’m sharing this information about Melaleuca because I believe in the products. My daughter Melanie is now a director with Melaleuca. She will be happy to help you learn more about them so you can make intelligent decisions. Whether it is about the products you use for household cleaning, personal care products or nutritional supplements and health foods, there are many choices out there.
I love that I don’t have to go to Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and/or Costco to find all the products I need. It saves me time. The products meet my standards on a humanitarian level with no animal testing. The company is debt-free, which shows me they are business-savvy. Money is spent on research and development of products, not on advertising. And – they want to educate me about the company and their products. They do so with their “Learn to Earn” program.

The following year Build It Green, the organization who conceived and implemented the Certified Green Building Professional training developed an advanced course. Here is the cover for Advanced Training for Certified Green Building Professionals where more depth was covered on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), mold prevention and system implementation for “sealing the envelope” were taught.
And, lastly, some of the nutritional products and supplements are helping people who are going through health issues by giving them the nutrition and energy needed to tackle the courses of treatment like chemo and radiation. Some products are improving the quality of life by reducing or eliminating pain.
I was diagnosed with “arthritis” about 2 decades ago. I have found various supplements through my acupuncturist to allow me movement with less pain. A torn ligament in my foot last year caused me to do physical therapy. The process has irritated my knees. I started taking Replenex just over 2 months ago. I no longer have any pain – NONE! I’m able to do all the movements needed to play in my garden.
Please make your home a “Healthy Home!” If you are using non-ecofriendly products, please consider changing them out in order to make your home a safe place for your loved ones and yourself. If you have some health issues, learn all you can about nutrition to improve your body’s well-being. If you would like to learn more about Melaleuca, please contact my daughter Melanie at:
Here’s to your Healthy Home and YOUR Health!
In the comments, please tell me about your personal experiences with health issues and the home. If you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.