Several years ago I started incorporating special rituals on Groundhog Day when I realized many significant milestones had happened on that date. Prior to this realization, it was just a fun thing to watch on the news.
![Like the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, poke your head out to see your shadow or find the Light.](
Like the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, poke your head out to see your shadow or find the Light.
Groundhog Day is February 2. As most of you know the story goes that if the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, does not see his shadow on this day it will be an early spring. Well, folks, it is to be an early spring in 2016 since there was no shadow.
Fun stuff! Apparently Punxsutawney Phil has predicted 108 winters and 18 early springs in his 130-year history of predicting the weather. (I know, it doesn’t add up to 130. They don’t have records for the missing years.)
For me, the first time I realized a significant event in my life had occurred on this day was when I filed for divorce. The second was when I purchased my first house on my own, signing the offer and filling out the forms for a loan on February 2. Those are rather major life experiences.
Last year I celebrated the 25th anniversary as a single woman owning a home. I decided to throw a party for the realtors who have been avid supporters of my Feng Shui work allowing me to be able to afford my home in the San Francisco Bay Area. I called it Groundhog Day Delight! We had a blast!
This year I couldn’t get a room on Groundhog Day, so I’m doing it a few days later. But what I was able to do on February 2 was a teleseminar. It is on the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Monkey.
My point here is to remember significant dates. Celebrate important accomplishments! Do something special to honor those life-changing events in your life!
How do you do this, you might ask? Go to a specialty coffee shop for your morning brew. Purchase an orchid for you home or office. Take a walk on the beach or a favorite trail. Prepare a favorite meal or bring home Chinese take-out, whichever is not the norm. Find some way to mark the date that is a “secret anniversary of the heart!”
![Like a peacock spreading his feathers exposing the iridescent colors and his own uniqueness, celebrate the special events and "secret anniversary of the heart" with color, flare and joy as you expand your horizons by emerging from the dark tunnels of your soul and shining your Light for the world to see.](
Like a peacock spreading his feathers exposing the iridescent colors and his own uniqueness, celebrate the special events and “secret anniversary of the heart” with color, flare and joy as you expand your horizons by emerging from the dark tunnels of your soul and shining your Light for the world to see.
Your whole body remembers these dates even though you don’t think it does. I have friends in specialized fields who have documentation on this phenomenon. When not acknowledged, people become sick on those dates. When remembered and respected, wonderful life experiences occur.
Discovering special dates in your life feeds body, mind and spirit. Mark them down on your calendar. Find ways to honor them. Create rituals with meaning for the occasion at hand.
For me, Groundhog Day is a time for me to check on my shadow side and bring it to Light. It’s a time to celebrate taking action to care for myself. It’s about honoring my ability to think smart, plan for my future, be a responsible adult and home owner as well as acknowledging my personal and professional growth the past 26 years. It’s a time to thank those who have helped me along the way – to tell them how special they are in my life.
This is a ritual I will continue each year as a “thank you” to my friends and Higher Power for the many blessings bestowed on me in life.