Driving along tonight I saw this incredible full moon. I had to stop to take a picture of it.

Powerful energy of the Winter Full Moon can be used to help shine light on your dreams and help you to go inward to give birth to them in the coming months.
Feng Shui teaches us to honor and appreciate all of nature. Part of appreciation is to know when there are Full Moons and when there are New Moons. The energy around us definitely is different under each of these.
With this Full Moon about 2 weeks after the Winter Solstice, its light is ever more important since it accentuates the growing energy of longer days. Tonight is a night to think about how you want your life to expand; go to sleep thinking about this and dream on it. Then spend more time the next 2 weeks going inward to search your soul for guidance.
We just started the Western New Year and yet to have the Chinese New Year begin. This is a magical time between endings and beginnings to set your intentions for a BRIGHTER NEW YEAR!