Linda Lenore
The Healing Designer using Feng Shui, green, sustainable &
universal design to create your best life!
FREE: 2024 Chinese/Lunar New Year Checklist
Find out tips and customs followed by many Asians as they prepare to have the BEST YEAR EVER by improving the energy in their homes before the start of the Lunar New Year on February 10, 2024 in my eBook: 2024 Chinese/Lunar New Year Checklist.
Get Your Free Gifts!
Don’t miss Linda’s FREE GIFTS just for you:
- FREE Recording: “Set The Stage For Success” for any time you want a fresh start
- PLUS a FREE copy of Linda’s “9 Tips to Build Your Emotional Home”
Facebook Group
Every woman deserves to feel comfortable in her home knowing it is healthy, beautiful in her eyes, and balanced energetically to bring the best possible energy to her and her family. This group will include Feng Shui and interior design tips, healthy home ideas, green & sustainable information, and organizing tips to help create your home as a reflection of you.
27 FUN, SIMPLE Feng Shui Tips
In these approximately 1-minute long videos I share answers to 27 of the most asked questions or powerful actions I have suggested to clients. These actions have created energy shifts within homes resulting in my clients getting jobs, improving their health and wealth, & finding partners and love.
Get This Course Today
$108 Investment
$97 investment
Priceless information + Time to do one or more projects
Yes, it’s that time of the year again! Mercury Retrograde will be upon us on April 1. What an April Fool’s joke that might be!
As usual, I’ll be doing a Clutter Buster program to help you set aside time to declutter, remove, and reorganize.
Here are the dates & times to set aside:
April 2 – Tuesday @ 10am
April 4 – Thursday @ 10am
April 5 – Friday @ 10am
April 6 – Saturday @ 12pm
April 7 – Sunday @ 12 pm
$97 investment

Meet Linda
Feng Shui Master, Designer, Speaker, Author, & Owner of A Beautiful Center of Light
Linda Lenore is a leading international authority on Feng Shui, the ancient art of how the environment shapes our lives, and is one of the few non-Asian Certified Feng Shui Masters in the United States.
Renowned for her expertise in creating corporate and home environments that both stimulate success and soothe the soul, Linda has appeared on every major television station in North America, was interviewed for a documentary on Feng Shui in Europe, and is a frequent guest on radio talk shows across the nation. She is the only “Vital Office” / “Vital Home” Certified Consultant in North America.
Empowered Self Care Book

Empowered Self-Care Book
What if your home holds the secret keys to unlock your heart’s desires – your deepest yearnings of life?
“Plants were drooping. Some leaves were yellow while others were brown, totally dried up. What had been a lush greenhouse window full of houseplants just a few weeks before was now a dismal array of neglected plants desperately needing some TLC (Tender Loving Care), just like their owner…”
Thus begins my chapter in Empowered Self-Care: Healing Body, Mind, and Soul for a Better World.”
Years of being an interior designer creating beautiful, functional homes for my clients has shown me the house is so much more than a place of shelter. It represents every aspect of our life; it is symbolic of every part of our body, mind, and sprit. It is a reflection of SELF!
Getting Started with Linda is Easy
Offering services from home and business consultations and clearings to fertility and children’s health.
Download your FREE copy of Linda’s 13-minute recording “A Fresh Start” ($97 value) and also receive a copy of 9 Tips to Build Your Emotional Home