Clutter Busting for Health and Success

Reduce Stress and Increase Serenity

“Clutter Buster” 3-Session Program

3-Session Group Phone Coaching — Reg $397, Today $77

Are you embarrassed by the cluttered state of your home?

Do you have trouble finding important papers or things you need IMMEDIATELY?

Wish you had areas creating a sense of “peace” in your home?

Then this program is for you!

You will learn how clutter:

  • Affects at least 18 areas of our lives
  • Stops the flow of money
  • Negatively affects your health

At the end of the 3 sessions, you will:

  1. Know what area to clear as your “Trigger” area of clutter
  2. Define a “Pathway for Prosperity” and clear it of negative energy
  3. Unblock the main source of stuck energy in your home affecting your health

New program each month — Live (and recorded) or Virtual

Series #1: Mondays — Feb 2, Feb 9, and Feb 23 at 4:00 pm

Series #2: Wednesdays — Feb 18, Feb 25, and Mar 11 at 10:00 am

Series #3: Mondays — Mar 2, Mar 9, and Mar 23 at 12:00 noon

Clutter Busting (Valued at $397, but actually PRICELESS) Today’s price: $77

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