Feng Shui for Business Success

Your Business Can Thrive Like Donald Trump’s!

  1. Learn the best location to place your desk
  2. Discover how to attract more business
  3. Find what to do to gain support by family and co-workers
  4. Expose culprits draining your energy, attacking you and sidetracking your business
  5. Determine the best location to work during this “Year of the Snake”

Acquire knowledge from ancient cultures and modern science to create balance in your life. By making simple and easy changes to your environment, you can change parts of your business and life that aren’t working for you. Feng Shui is applied in most Fortune 500 companies around the world to out-shine their competitors, build their company’s empire, bring peace and harmony to the “Key Persons” in both their office and their homes, and promote productivity and prosperity.

Wouldn’t you like to walk away with that kind of knowledge and power? You can when you attend this special WEBA presentation on Friday, September 13! It’s only going to be an “unlucky Friday the 13th” if you don’t attend since you’ll miss out on this influential wisdom that is a cornerstone principle in business around the world.

Join Feng Shui Master Linda Lenore as she takes the mystery out of Feng Shui and puts it into practical applications using beautiful, functional design. Linda is an award-winning author and speaker, has been utilizing Feng Shui for almost 30 years and has been in the design industry for almost 55 years. She has been featured in Korean and Japanese newspapers, the Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Better Homes & Garden Special Interest Publications, was interviewed for a European documentary on Feng Shui, has appeared on the front page of the San Jose Mercury News in the article “Corporate Balancing Act” and on LifeTime Media as well as being a featured guest on The Hallmark Channel’s Morning Program with her segment, “Building Your Emotional Home.”

September 13, 2013
9 to noon
San Mateo, CA
