February 26, 2002 will always be a MAGICAL DAY for me!

Diploma Certification as Feng Shui Master
It was the day I earned my Feng Shui Master’s degree/certification. Many things contributed to the “magic!”
The journey has been unexpected, long, interesting, terrifying, blissful, disconcerting, challenging, mystical, weird, expansive, and so much more – especially LIFE-CHANGING! Someday I’ll have written a book about it all, but for now I’ll share part of this particular day plus a few events that led up to it.
As I write this, I see it is going to be longer than what I want one post to be. Hence, this will be Part One.
I’d been taking courses on various topics including Feng Shui with Prof. Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim for several years. Because of his extensive and diverse education, these trainings encompassed so much more than Feng Shui. Since he has diplomas and degrees in psychology, medicine, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), hypnotherapy, and business administration, we’d learn all of these modalities and how to interconnect them.
Leading up to the 3-week course –
Culturally, as a student, it is disrespectful to arrive late to a class, and late could be as little as a couple of minutes. I was planning to attend this course when my “life-saving” best friend announced she was getting married. (I’ll share the “life-saving” story for another time also.) When the Twin Towers were attacked in September 2001, she was in Tahiti. That was a wake-up call for her to marry the love-of-her-life NOW! It was scheduled for February 9, which happened to be the first day of the Canary Island course.
It may sound strange, but back then many of us didn’t have, or use, email like we do now. It was still a very new technology and everyone was working out the bugs with it. I emailed the organizer to tell her I wouldn’t be attending after all – and why.

Arial View of Hotel – I believe it is Dreams Jardin Tropical
A couple days later I received a personal phone call from Dr. Lim from his home in Australia with this voice message: “Linda, you go to best friend’s wedding. Then you catch the first flight next morning out of San Francisco. When you arrive in Tenerife, you go straight to hotel, drop off bags, and come to class!”
WHAT?!!! That is totally unheard of!!! Many times I had seen a person kicked out of course, or even kicked out of the Feng Shui School, for being as late as an hour because it is such an insult or dishonoring to the Master when one is late. To be given permission to be almost 2 days late – actually to be given a directive to attend even though I was going to be 2 days late – I was in tears with gratitude!
I did exactly that.
I was stopped and searched in San Francisco because I was carrying eight 18″ hollow copper rods as part of the “tools” I needed for the training. Remember, this was about 4 months after 911 and security was exceptionally high.
I knew it might be challenging to get through security, even though I had contacted airport security telling them I was going to be traveling with the copper rods. I allowed plenty of time – at least I thought I had. I had allowed 4 hours and it took every bit of the four hours and then some – to the point where I did almost miss the flight!
Maybe this day stands out as magical to me because of the prelude. Yet when I tell you some of the rest of the story these following days, you just might see a Divine Directive was at play!