“A Beautiful Center of Light!” That’s who we are as humans! That’s my corporation’s name. There’s a story behind it. There’s deep meaning within it. I strive to create environments embodying “light” qualities and are a “center” of love.
It started as an idea, then a name, followed by a business perspective that grew into a publishing company and now a spiritual group. It turns heads and makes people smile when they see it on their credit card statements. The tellers at the bank ask what I do. I’m often asked how the name originated. They smile and remember me. I’m known as the “Center of Light Lady” with the Disney checks.
It’s fascinating to me how the process evolved. Someone mentioned how our names have meaning and started to explore the meaning of my name. In many cultures the name “Linda” means “pretty” or “beautiful.” The name “Lenore” stems from Eleanor with a variant of Helen. It’s Greek origin means “sun ray or shining light.” (I loved Mythology – both Roman and Greek – in grade school.)
I wondered how I might bring the “meaning” of my name into my business. After all, a business is an extension of who we are at our core or center. The Biblical references around “light” seemed to jump out at me when I read them. Hearing we are “light” beings, stirred something inside me.
When I worked at a floral shop in 1985, I learned it’s better to have a company name with an “A” at the beginning in order to be first in the alphabetical listing of the Yellow Pages. These days Yellow Pages are rarely used, yet in 1993 when I formed the business, it was a valid tool.
I love acronyms. I play with them whenever I develop a speech. I thought “What about ABC Light”? The “B” would be “Beautiful.” For what would the “C” stand? “Center” came to mind. Ultimately it was “A Beautiful Center of Light.”
We are a “center of light” shining brightly for all to see. Our spirit is a light emanating from the Temple that is our body. Our homes are a Haven for our body Temple. Honoring our body, mind, spirit and environment, it all seemed to fit – A Beautiful Center of Light was birthed!
“For Roman women, the most beloved goddess was Vesta,” Sarah Ban Breathnach shares in her best-selling book, Simple Abundance. “Vesta urges women to be quiet, to sit, to gaze, to listen, to prepare delicious meals, to bring beauty into our daily round, to live through our six senses, to create a sacred haven of security and serenity set apart from the world in order to protect all we cherish…. (She) calls on us to focus our creative energies on the Real.”

A Sacred Circle of Women gather to share, build community and renew themselves as the energy of the goddess Vesta brings focus to the Real in our lives.
The evening of May 21, 2013 in Palo Alto, “ABC LIGHT” will inaugurate as a women’s spiritual networking group – a community of like-minded women – embodying many of the qualities of the goddess Vesta. It will be a place to be quiet, to sit, to gaze… to create a sacred haven of security and serenity set apart from the world in order to protect all we cherish… to focus our creative energies on the Real.
ABC LIGHT has evolved into Always Be Centered in Love, Intuition, Gratitude, Health and Truth.
Please join us for an evening meeting from 6:30 pm to 9 pm.
Location: Unity – Palo Alto Church, 3391 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 94306. (650) 494-7222.
Cost: $20 (cash or check) at the door.
Future meetings will be on the second Tuesday of each month (June 11, July 9, etc.)
May you Always Be Centered in LIGHT!
Linda Lenore
Love this story
Love that this name truly reflects you in many ways …. you ARE a center of light and you exude light everywhere you go AND it is a literal translation of your name
Love that you created a group around this — so needed!
and Love that you shared this with us
Sending love and light back to you and the group!
Yvonne Elm Hall
Thanks Linda! I loved learning about how you came to your name! Beautiful! Some day, I will travel down to your group!
Diana Concoff Morgan, thank you for the fantastic information you have been sharing from your Whole Heart Marketing “blogging challenge” with Caterina Rando’s Thriving Business Advanced Programs. It seems like every place I go to speak several people come up to me to tell me they “see” me everywhere and that my business must really be going well. It is going well due to the information I have gleaned from you two ladies. Anyone reading this who wants to know more about how these fabulous women have helped me, please comment below and I’ll share. This original blog came from ideas and knowledge these ladies evoked out of me.