With only a few days left during this Mercury Retrograde we want to take advantage of the positive qualities of this astrological event. Almost any word that starts with “re” is an activity supported during this time.
I’ve heard literally dozens of people who have known nothing about Mercury Retrograde who have been inclined to go through closets, file cabinets, drawers and garages “re”leasing items that no longer serve them. That’s one of the things we can do now. It just seems easier to do it during this time. Plus people seem to be compelled to clear things rather than hold on to them.
In order to bring in “Good Feng Shui” we’ll focus on the front door area of your home. One reason we focus on the front door is due to the nature of the front door. It is known as the “Main Mouth of Chi” for the home, which in turn brings the energy into your life. If the energy is low by the door, then the energy for the home and your life tend to be low. When we raise the energy around the front door, we raise the energy of the home and our own vitality.
A few other ideas to where we can take advantage of the Mercury Retrograde energy are:
1. Re-pot plants
2. Re-position furniture
3. Re-cover chairs
4. Re-finish furniture
5. Re-paint the door or house
6. Re-locate a wind chime, flag or windsock
7. Re-arrange or re-group pots
8. Re-move dead flowers and leaves from plants
9. Re-enforce protection and a “welcome” feel with a Protective greeter
I’ll give you more information about Mercury Retrograde at a later time along with the dates of the next one so you can arrange to schedule activities in order to have “the Force be with you!”
Have fun this weekend “re-doing your environment in order to re-invent your life!”