Five-Minute Feng Shui Friday – Bird Feeders as Feng Shui Energy Attracters
Bird feeders are amazing energy attracters according to Feng Shui, especially hummingbird feeders. They are perfect for the front door and front entrance of your home or office.

A Hummingbird feeder outside my front door and in the middle of my office bay window attracts energy all day long enhancing the vitality of my home, my business and my life.
I do focus on the front door a lot. The reason for this attention is due to the fact the front door to the home and business is the main mouth of chí, or energy. We want to do as much as possible to make this an incredibly high-energy area to enhance the vital chí of the building and our lives.
There is much symbology with birds and the qualities we want in and around our entrances – again, especially the front door. One of the main qualities is the very nature of birds – they take flight, soaring to new heights, sometimes taking nose-dives, singing in the rain, building nests and nurturing their young. All of these represent the essence of life and our homes.

A couple different types of bird feeders attract the birds specific to the feeders. The squirrel guard protects the feeders from being raided by the squirrels. Tucked in amongst the rose garden, it is almost impossible for the local cats to attack the birds without being seen. Stimulating scenes of nature abound in this location with high vitality.
Hummingbirds have even more specifics we want around us. They can hover to make sure it is safe – really taking in what is going on around them and deciding if it is time for the “fight or flight” syndrome to kick in. They have bright iridescent colors including red that sparkles and shines, catching our attention.
Red is the color to attract attention and most hummingbird feeders are red since the hummingbirds themselves are attracted to the red color. Their movement is extremely fast reminding us of exuberant vitality.
Regular bird feeders will attract many types of birds creating a sense of community as well as an abundance of energy. Most birds are not as territorial as hummingbirds, which allows for this sense of community building.
Birdbaths allow a place for the birds to cool off and take a bath. Watching the process makes me smile and I imagine it does the same for you. The bath will also attract dragonflies and small insects needing water to survive.

A birdbath allows the birds to refresh themselves and are delightful to watch – a sure way to bring in “Good Feng Shui” energy to your yard.
We do want to have a variety of items by our front door attracting “good” energy to us plus we want to attract any energy lingering in our back yard to come our way. I have birdfeeders by a couple of my doors.
Actually, I have hummingbird birdfeeders by two of my doors – one being the front door – and I have wind chimes by at least two of the doors. I also have hanging plants, which attract hummingbirds, by two doors. I have more items by the front door to encourage more of the energy to come to and into the “main mouth of chí” to vitalize the home, which in turn, invigorates me.
I have several birdbaths plus the pond I often describe in my front yard that stimulates the energy of the home. Since I can see the pond, hummingbird feeders and wind chimes from my office window, it also supports and reminds me of the power of these items and the intention I used when placing them in these locations. This is powerful stuff – a way to interact and love my home through focused intention, attention and gratitude for this beautiful shelter I am blessed to call my home.
What can you do in a short period of time or with little effort to instill the power of gratitude and sense of reverence in the building you are lucky to call your home and/or place of work? Please share any examples for all of us to contemplate.