A wonderful New Year awaits us filled with promise, but are you helping the Universe know what you would like? If not, start giving it some thought and be ready to do specific tasks during the next few weeks to change the cellular memory of your physical, mental, emotional and physical bodies.
“Why the next few weeks?” you might ask. Because there are things you can do to help sway the energy in your favor when done with intention as you approach the “New Year” and as well as on “New Year’s Day.” As I mentioned yesterday, even though the Western New Year is passed, we can focus on the Chinese New Year, which this year starts on January 31.
Specifically I want you to think of all the things you want to do and achieve during this next year. To help set the energy for some of these, you might be doing something specific to your desires actually “on” New Year’s Day or definitely NOT “on” New Year’s Day. For others, you may need to do something before New Year’s Day. Still others will require you do something both before the start of the New Year and on New Year’s Day.
We’re going to be doing everything possible including using our body, mind and speech to enhance our intentions. There are some simple rituals or awareness-building tasks we will be doing. So put on your thinking cap.

Empowering words from one of my vision boards to support me in remembering to be “rooted” or “grounded” as well as spreading my roots to give strength and encouragement to all I meet each day in my life.
Just to give you a few ideas –
Do you want to have more financial serenity in your life? Do you want a new love in your life? Is your career or business heading in the direction you want? Are your relationships fun and fulfilling? Are you as healthy as you’d like to be?
Start looking for images of your desired life this next year. Find them on the Internet or magazines. Or create them yourself. Cut them out and then paste them on a lightweight board, or paper, making a “vision board” or “treasure map.”
Collages are fun when you first start making vision boards. There are so many choices and possibilities. But not for this intentional exercise!
Don’t put too many things on it! Be selective! We want to focus – narrow our vision – to make the most of this experience.
Come back tomorrow for more ideas to create a fabulous New Year!