Mercury Retrogrades are an interesting occurrence often creating challenges with travel and their related technologies/issues as well as appointments, schedules, technology and communication. To help you navigate this Mercury Retrograde – February 6 – 28, 2014 – I thought I’d give you a little of my personal experiences and insights.
These I’ve gleaned through the years of knowing about, and dealing with, a “Mercury Retro” – as it is sometimes referred. This one on the cusp of the old and new Chinese New Year has some particularly interesting issues attached to it due to the related energies of communication, contracts and travel by all three (Mercury, Year of the Snake and Year of the Horse.)
Those individuals versed in the knowledge of astrology, which is not my focus or expertise, state the energies of the Heavenly Planets affect us in specific ways, especially when the planet Mercury goes “retro”. The term “retro” refers to the apparent backwards movement of the planet in relationship to us on Earth.
First, let me state that this is not a write up on the merits of this as fact or fiction. This series of posts is what I have observed and how I live my life during these times, which happen about every 14 weeks and last about 3 ½ weeks. I’ll address each of the above mentioned areas in more detailed in my posts the next few days.
You may be wondering why someone who is a Feng Shui Master is talking about Mercury Retro. That’s because I work with “energy.” I need to know what is happening in the world around us. I’ve learned to work with Mercury Retro energy to make my life easier and to support my clients better.
The most important issue to acknowledge and work with right now is the challenge around communication and contracts. Both of these can be challenging during any Mercury Retro. We have a compounding affect at this time.

The horse on this red envelope for the Chinese New Year – Year of the Horse – symbolizes energies we are having during this current Mercury Retrograde from February 6 to February 28, 2014. It represents moving back in time, dredging up the old and communicating in a non-forthcoming manner.
Both the “Year of the Snake” and the “Year of the Horse” have issues and energies pertaining to communication and contracts. Henceforth, the last week of January through the second week of March are going to be doubly sensitive to both areas of our lives.
Everyone I have talked to recently about communication and contracts has said the same thing. It’s uncanny how many miscommunication details are occurring. I call this “little snake bites” that can be irritating or even deadly.
So far, I have personally had 3 contracts come back without pertinent details listed. I’ve also had contracts “disappear” in transit – both through snail-mail and email. (Technology is also challenged during Mercury Retros.)
There is also something happening with snail-mail and other deliveries, in general, this time around. Mercury represents travel and transportation. The USPS, Fed-Ex and UPS have all left packages in wrong locations in my neighborhood. Plus packages and letters have been lost for weeks even though they were sent from just 2 blocks away.
I don’t think any of these are intentional, it just seems to be what is happening.
The energy of the Horse is showing up through being easily startled by a miscommunication (possibly taking something too personally). We also have “horse power” to move forward quickly.
When a miscommunication occurs, we may move forward without thinking something through. Hold back! Rest! Take a breath!
The “horse power” is also affecting the speed at which both positive and negative energies are traveling. And since it is “retro” time, which again means a backward direction, one of these communications is backward thinking. There’s also a lot of things from the past being dredged up. Plus people are “holding back” and not being forthright in what they say and how they communicate.
In the next couple of posts, I’ll discuss more detailed information about Mercury Retro – both from the perspective of the potential negative as well as how to work with the energies to make your life better.