“Balance, Order & Beauty: Feng Shui for the Woman’s Soul” is coming to San Jose on Thursday, April 3, 2014.

Feng Shui for the Woman's Soul Retreat
Feng Shui for the Woman’s Soul Retreat

Do you want to create the “Life of Your Dreams” by making changes to your environment?

Are you stuck in your career?
Do you want financial serenity?
Is your family sick?
Do you wish your relationships were better?
Would being more productive or creative make you happy?

At this retreat you’ll learn:

★  How your home’s design can stop your success

★  Where “money” comes into your home and how it flows out unexpectedly

★  Critical design techniques to attract & keep loving relationships

★  How architectural qualities affect our energy and health, plus how to improve energy for your self and your home

★  What is needed within the home to be supported in your life

★  Ways to create balanced energy for you as well as the areas within your home

Location: San Jose-Los Gatos area (Location given upon registration)

Date: Tuesday, April 3

Time: 9-5

Contact: Linda Lenore @ 650-368-5532 or Linda@LindaLenore.com

Cost: $397

By attending this event, you’ll learn how your home affects and contributes to every area of your life including the ones mentioned above. Come experience a day of nurturing your soul while discovering how to harness the power within your home to create your desired life. Special rate for those of you who click here.

