In both real estate and Feng Shui, the main principle or influencing factor is “location”! In real estate, the better the location, the higher the price you can command. It’s the same situation in Feng Shui due to the powerful energy combination known as “The Four Celestial Animals” giving the home and its occupants the right combination of chi, or life-force energy.

Original Feng Shui is Form School Feng Shui and refers to the “Armchair” position, which is a house in the mountains with mountains surrounding it and a view of water like this lake in ZellAmSee, Austria.
The original school of Feng Shui is known as Form School Feng Shui. It refers to the formation of the land where the building is placed. The ideal location for placement is in a mountain range with a view out the front door overlooking the valley, lake, ocean or site of commerce. They call this the “armchair position” since it is similar to a chair with arms. The “Four Celestial Animals” represent the four parts of the armchair. Let me explain.
Behind the home is a mountain. This mountain is the “Turtle” and is called the “mountain backing” or “turtle backing,” like the back of a chair. It is symbolic of giving support to the building and its occupants just like the back of a chair gives support to the human sitting in the chair. This support is for both internal communication as well as outward financial support.
On either side of the home there would be a shorter mountain. These shorter mountains would be like the arms in an armchair. The left arm in the armchair is the “Dragon” and the right arm is the “Tiger.” They give each side protection. In this case it gives protection from the elements as well as any neighboring negative energies.
The front of the home is where we want the view. It is known as the “Phoenix”. In real estate we call this “Curb Appeal.” The Phoenix represents everything in the front part of the yard that attracts good energy to the home. This would be flowers, trees, the color of the home, how clean it is and features like bridges, arbors and interesting landscape, which set the home apart from others in the neighborhood.
If the home isn’t located in the mountains with a view out the front door, then the house doesn’t have “Good Feng Shui.” Stay tuned to find out how you can create “Good Feng Shui” in the location where you do live.