Plates of flowers with a tea candle are prepared at the kitchen sink area where they will rest until the altar clothes are in place with the essential oils and bells.
I had the honor to create a Home Blessing for a client today who is “paying it forward” karmically. I normally would not be working on Sunday since it is “family day,” and, yet, sometimes I need to do things differently when intuition kicks in telling me so.
My client, who is a lovely lady, understands energy. We have worked together several times in the last few years changing the energy in your home using Feng Shui. There was a lot of clutter and not much clarity regarding career. Making Feng Shui changes to her home, she got her perfect career opportunity.
One of the things she wanted to do with her home was to remodel it using green and sustainable building practices, but she didn’t have the finances to be able to invest that much into her home. Interestingly enough there was a sudden water leakage in the main area she wanted to remodel the most. This leak was covered by her insurance policy.

Altar with view of the dining room table as I’m about to light the candles on the plates, a signal to my body, mind and spirit the ritual is about to begin.
I came to her home helping her to make decisions around green building procedures and products. In the process she shared there were some issues with relationships. I explained to her you never can tell the Universe what you want, you only can make the corrections. If for “the Highest and Best Good” means bringing people closer together, it will. If it means they are to separate and go down different paths for “the Highest and Best Good” for both parties, they will leave the current relationship or develop new playing rules for each.
About a month ago my client contacted me to say she was selling her home. Both her husband and she had decided it was time to separate and in doing so, they were going to sell their home.
I never like to see a couple separate or get a divorce, yet I know there are situations where that is the best for all concerned. From what she says, it appears this is one of those cases. My client is a gifted intuitive lady. She realized she didn’t want the next owners to come into a house with this mixed up – or as she put it, spiritually messy – energy. Hence, the Home Blessing.

With candles lit, this beautiful altar was created just for this home using items suggest by spirit to help soothe the energy to make the home “happy, healthy, harmonious and filled with joy” for a new owner.
When I do a Home Blessing on a “For Sale” house, I insist no one be at the home while I’m doing the Blessing. I need to focus on the energy in order to shift it to the “Highest and Best Good” for the new buyer. Working around plumbers, electricians, flooring installers, stagers, painters and landscapers under normal conditions can be challenging. When doing a Home Blessing, it’s impossible.
Thus the reason for doing a Home Blessing on Sunday. It was the only day within a three week period where there wasn’t going to be any contractors.
The reason I said she was karmically “paying it forward” is because my client knew the energy in the home was not an energy she wanted to “pass on” to an unsuspecting purchaser. In Feng Shui we call it “Predecessor Energy” – something we don’t want to leave behind in the house.
The home is beautifully painted, landscaped and staged. It is now a place of health, harmony and peace. Being able to actually do this Home Blessing on a Sunday was a blessing to me. Getting to the home a little after 8 this morning, it went more smoothly than I anticipated allowing me to get home and spend time with my family. I love it when intuition guides and I listen!