This time of year I’m busy preparing energetically for the New Year. The traditional “goals” have been set.

Window paper-cut is one of the most popular folk arts in China. Most of the contents represent the life of the Chinese farmers. They would include textile work, fishing, shepherding, livestock feeding, tillage, etc. The people display these in their windows during the festivals as symbols of their desired outcomes in life. It is a wish for a “wonderful life!”
Now is the time to “Set the Stage for Success” throughout your office and your home.
A couple of quick tips to remove or rid your environment and energetic connections to the last year are:
- Pay off any and all debts you can before the New Year. This will clear any old energy from last year allowing you to enter the New Year unencumbered by financial indebtedness.
- Clean (vacuum, dust and organize) as much as you can BEFORE New Year’s Day. This will allow you a fresh start – again, unencumbered by this current year’s energy allowing for a clean slate on which to create a strong foundation for next year.
- Clean your bedroom by dusting everything and putting clean, fresh sheets on your bed. Be sure to clean under your bed as well to delete stagnant energy hiding beneath it.
- Clear out all leftovers from your refrigerator BEFORE the New Year. We don’t want to ingest the energies from the past year.
- Get rid of the old staples and purchase new ones for a fresh start. The four staples are flour, rice, sugar and salt. Give old unopened staples to a food bank. Any open items you can give to a friend, neighbor or relative since it will be “new-to them.”
I’ve put in CAPS the word “BEFORE” on a couple of these. The reason for this is two-fold.
- We want to have the energy be new, clean and fresh before the New Year begins.
- We also don’t want to be doing the work on New Year’s Day for it is said that whatever you do on New Year’s Day you will be DOING ALL YEAR LONG! Do you want to be cleaning all year long? I know I don’t.
I like to spend time with family, play in my garden, travel to both old favorites and new places as well as spend time on introspection through mediation and writing. I plan my New Year’s Day to accommodate these.
What kind of things do you want to be doing all year long? Please share your comments.