Leading the news yesterday was a story how clutter & hoarding have increased due to COVID. I was shocked by that statement, especially since most of the people I had talked with during COVID were taking time to go through things while we were in the mist of the pandemic!

The “just incase I need it” pile
But life has changed since we are no longer “sheltered-in-place!” So has our mental outlook on life in many ways.
Underlying thoughts keep creeping in –
What if there is another major outbreak of COVID?
Will there be supply chain shortages?
Will I have to shelter-in-place again?
How will I take care of my family?
Will I have work or be able to work from home?
Can I mentally make it through another round of this?
What might I need to make it through?
These are just a few of the thoughts I’ve heard from participants in my Clutter Buster programs.
Plus, now we are as busy as ever catching up on all the things we couldn’t do for two years, yet wanted to be DOING! (We’ve forgotten we are human “BEINGS” – not human DOINGS!” Hehe!)
I was hoping the awareness we gleaned as to how the Rat Race had changed our perspective on what is important in life would last several years after the pandemic. But, alas, it only lasted a few months.

Cluttered home w/toys by AMBER LEVENTRY
Some Personal Situations that Can Create Clutter
During my life I have had numerous times where the clutter was out of control. It usually has been a major event in my life.
For instance:
- When I had emergency surgery and couldn’t get out of bed for months
- Taking care of my mother through her dementia – decisions on her things
- My son’s brain surgery and ultimate death – emotional attachments to lost dreams
- Having my home be the storage for personal belongings of friends who lost their homes
- My husband starting a business with his secretary leaving me in bankruptcy
- Working 3 part-time jobs while going to school full-time
- When I was bedridden, unable to walk for almost a year
- Completely remodeling the home myself while starting and running my business
And then the eternal tech issues when I’d lose emails and then have “recovered” files with thousands of emails including the ones that had been deleted previously.
Maybe you can picture yourself in one of these “life happens” situations.

Clutter Buster
Clutter Buster Program
Several of my participants begged me to continue with the Clutter Buster because they were making such great headway. So here it is!
I’ve scheduled something EVERY DAY – for EIGHT DAYS!!!!!
That is going to be too often for most of you. Choose 3-4 dates & times that work for you. Give yourself a break in between.
It really isn’t good for you to work that constantly on decluttering and organizing. I won’t be working on projects each day either. I’m just setting up the Zoom and creating the opportunity for you to find times that work for you.
Here are the days, dates and times. Hands-On Immersions – September 2023
Dates & Times:
- September 9 (Saturday) @ 12pm to 2pm PDT
- September 10 (Sunday) @ 12pm to 2pm PDT
- September 11 (Monday) @ 2pm to 3:30pm PDT
- September 12 (Tuesday) @ 10am to 11:30am PDT
- September 13 (Wednesday) @ 10am to 12pm PDT
- September 14 (Thursday) @ 12pm to 1:30pm PDT
- September 15 (Friday) @ 10am to 12pm PDT
- September 16 (Saturday) @ 12pm to 1:30 pm PDT
Here’s the link to purchase: http://linda.mastermind.com/masterminds/46979
Receive a $100 discount when you APPLY this Discount Code: 77CB
Let’s kick clutter to the curb!