by llenore | Jan 1, 2023 | Uncategorized

New Year 2023
Does it seem as though one year flows into the next without any sizable changes happening – even though you want change?!!! Think you’ve tried everything to make a better life for yourself? Wonder how others seem to achieve success (however you define it) and, yet, you aren’t reaching your desired dreams and lifestyle?
Until a few years ago I had often felt that way about my life. I think of myself as a GOOD person, yet I didn’t have the finances, health, and respect I felt I deserved. Then several things happened.
One that had a major impact on my life is most appropriate to learn and follow RIGHT NOW!!! It has to do with how I start the New Year. I’ve never been one for writing down resolutions. That’s just not how I plan, process, and produce in my life.

To Understand the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency, & Vibration ~ Nicola Tesla
Maybe you are like me – a more “go-with-the-flow” type of woman. I believe in a Higher Power, intention, and intuition!
What happened for me was the conscious setting of intention through rituals I choose that have meaning to me. Many have come from the Chinese culture and their traditions for preparing for, and honoring, the New Year. I’m not saying you have to follow ALL the cultural aspects. Just pick one or several that speak to your heart or sense of purpose.
They all have to do with ENERGY! Everything is energy!
Imagine the type of energy in these situations:
- You picked up takeout at the fast-food drive thru where they are understaffed, plus the food is processed to keep it edible longer. By the time you get home it is cold. Instead of reheating at this time, you put some of it in the fridge to have later on.
- Arriving home from a trip – or long day at work – you find a beautiful meal prepared by a loved one with your favorite beverage and music playing in the background.
- After spending hours working on a project and expecting to be paid for your services, the client or employer says they don’t have the money to pay you.

Road sign pay off debt and blue sky.
- When you open your email you find a notice from your bank, Venmo, or PayPal showing a check has been paid to you or an invoice has been PAID IN FULL.
How do each of these make you feel? What is the ENERGY you think is surrounding the food, the money, or the mental and emotional health you’re experiencing in each situation?
These are just two of the examples I have shared in social media recently as things to do to improve the START OF THE NEW YEAR:
- Remove/toss any leftover food from the refrigerator, and
- Pay off, or reduce, your debts.
In my next post I’ll share more traditions, thoughts, and things to consider doing in preparation for the Chinese Lunar New Year – the Year of the Rabbit – which starts on January 22, 2023.
Be sure to sign up to receive blog post notices as to not miss any of them.
by llenore | Nov 2, 2022 | Uncategorized

Day of the Dead
It is Dia de Muertos. A time to honor the loved ones who have died. It is a time to make your home a healthy place for you and your family to live!
Although there are numerous items in and near a home that can cause issues, I’m focusing on the less obvious or well-known situations.
Part 1 – Hidden Hazards: HOME
A few days ago I shared numerous issues I’ve personally experienced in my homes. Now I’m going to share issues known to cause SBS (Sick-Building Syndrome), many of which can cause serious health issues in humans.
Sick-Building Syndrome: HEALTH

Ghoulish Greetings Pumpkin house
There are several possible contributing factors that can cause SBS. In some cases, the way the building is constructed, the materials used in the construction (new or remodel), or the location (like close to a major highway or next to a parking garage) create the issues. Toxins and chemicals can get “trapped” inside a home causing health problems. Often when the person leaves the building the symptoms reduce or go away.
Some building factors are:
- Vehicle exhaust
- Plumbing vents
- Formaldehyde (found in almost all home furnishings like carpet, upholstered furniture, and glues holding plywood and pressboard/MDF board together)
- Pollen, bacteria, fungus, even insect & bird droppings
- Inadequate ventilation (“sealing the envelope too tightly” for energy efficiency causing less outdoor air ventilation)
- EMF – again
- Pesticides
- Smoking
- Office machines (duplicators, copy machines, heating system exhaust, etc.)
- Humidity (sometimes causes mold in simple things like plants)

Electrical wires & chemical fumes
Some complaint factors at work can add to the situation (this is one of the things that happened to me with my chemical toxicity):
- Preexisting illness or allergies
- Job-related stress or dissatisfaction
Other interesting facts are:
- Symptoms more common in clerical jobs than managerial positions
- Happen to females more than males

Heart surrounding FULL moon
The affects these unseen toxins can produce are SCARY! Let’s investigate our homes to see if we can detect any issues.
The “Day of the Dead” celebrations are to honor the spirits of our deceased loved ones. Let’s not have our home contribute to the passing of anyone we love.
by llenore | Oct 31, 2022 | Uncategorized

An illustration of a scary Halloween haunted house in silhouette with spooky trees
It is the Bewitching Hour and time to stir up a brew of gumption to make your home a healthy place to live for you and your family!
Although there are numerous items in and near a home that can cause issues, I’m focusing on the less obvious or well-known situations.
Hidden Hazards: HOME

Electro Magnetic Fields
You’ve probably heard about things like Lead paint and Radon that can’t be seen causing serious health issues or even death. Other issues that are just as harmful are EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields), chemical poisoning, and molds.
I know each of these personally.
- EMFs originating from electronic devices near my bed caused severe headaches.
- Chemical Poisoning from household cleaning products polluted my bedroom and overwhelmed my immune system causing autoimmune issues.
- Mold in the attic and walls of our home attacked my throat & lungs causing me to lose my voice for 2 years.

Toxic mold creates negative energy in your home
Each of these “hazards” can affect people differently. They are especially harmful to children. Females appear to be more susceptible than males.
If you or a loved one have any health issues, you might want to investigate these as possible culprits affecting your well-being.

Halloween Pumpkin Fairy Home
These can be SPOOKY issues. Rather than having them TRICK you sometime in the future when you least expect them and have them SCARE YOU, let’s be proactive. Let’s TREAT the situation cautiously. Dress yourself as a detective. Investigate the possible culprits. Remove any GHOSTLY issues.
Doing so will help you feel confident the only scary things hiding in the corners and walls are the decorations you’ve put inside your home to celebrate holidays like Halloween. Your home may be “dressed” in a costume of cobwebs and spiders – both of which are fake – and your home will be a SAFE HOUSE for you and your family!
by llenore | Feb 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
Divorced! Single! Bankrupt! Homeless in 3 days! Plus pneumonia!

Photo was taken earlier on the day of the Loma Prieta Earthquake: October 17, 1989. Additional damage occurred to the home.
The realtor who had sold my Monte Sereno home asked, “Where are you going to move in 3 days?
It was January 27, 1990 and I needed to be out of the house when it closed escrow on January 31.
I said, “I have no idea! I have 4 cats and so much furniture I need the largest United Van Lines moving truck!”
He said, “Well, I can rent you a 4 bedroom/2 bath house for $200/month if you’ll clean it up.”
Then he said,
“You need to know that the previous owner shot his wife in the house a year ago. He then shot himself, killing himself, in the house.”
I moved in on January 31, 1990.

I paid TOP DOLLAR for the home “AS IS!” This is the ceiling in the eating area of the house when I moved in.
On February 2 he asked me, “If you could purchase this home, would you?” I laughed and said – “Of course!”
Thinking he must be joking because I was flat broke, had gone through bankruptcy, was in the process of an ugly divorce with horrible credit, was on worker’s comp because I had developed pneumonia while working 3 part-time jobs and going to school full time.
There was NO WAY I could get a home loan – at least that is what I thought.
On February 14 he brought papers and said, “Sign here!”
I’d done enough purchasing of homes I knew what these papers were and what they said. I didn’t ask any questions.
On February 16, 1990 – exactly 32 years ago TODAY! – I became the owner of this home – BAD FENG SHUI and all, but…
It was exactly what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to be.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting bits and pieces of this story and the journey to CLEAN IT UP!
In my next few blogs I’ll share more of the stories about this house.
by llenore | Feb 1, 2022 | Uncategorized

Whole Fish
Usual ways of spending the first day in an Asian culture would be to visit family members and share in wonderful morsels of food. REMEMBER: DO NOT COOK! Food should be prepared the day before so all can enjoy spending time together and not have to cook.
Here are some typical foods and what they represent:
- Dumplings (usually eaten at midnight) = Ring out the old year & ring in the new
- Whole poultry = Unity and good marriage between families
- Fish = Prosperity, unity (whole fish), Leaving leftovers for the next day = overflow prosperity
- Mandarin oranges = Family unity, attract wealth and success
- Fruit = Auspicious, Lucky
- Spring roll = Gold bars, wealth
- Mustard green, chard = Long life, longevity
- Rice cakes = Increasing prosperity year after year, growth in career, income, health, or height
- Long noodles = Longevity
- Dumplings = Wealth (looks like Gold Ingots, a form of money used in imperial days)

Additional, yet not typical foods:
- Peking Duck = Fidelity
- Sweet and Sour Pork = Desire for lots of grandchildren
- Lettuce wraps = Rising fortune
- Lion’s Head (very large) Meatballs = Power and strength, family togetherness

Red Envelopes, Ingots, Firecrackers, & Peach Blossoms for Health, Wealth, Love, Joy, & Good Luck!
If you can, find some small Lucky Red Envelopes to give to family, friends and children to wish them a Happy New Year. You put money in them; then give them to these people as you wish them “Happy New Year!” They are to be put in your purse or wallet, kept there all year long and not spent. It is a money attracter to bring wealth and prosperity – Also, so you “will never be broke!”
Think of all the things you’d like to do this coming year. Make a list. This is the time to set your intentions.
Some ideas might be: hike, go on a picnic, go sailing or boating, ride a bike, read a book, travel, visit the beach or mountains, enjoy a movie, spend time with your pets, plant a new tree or bulbs, give time to a charity, spend time with family or loved ones, discover a new wine or place to eat, etc. The list is endless!
I have some friends who decided they wanted more time in various natural settings. Hence, they drove to the mountains (Sierra Nevada Range) the day before. The next morning they walked a little in the foothills, jumped in the car, drove to the Sacramento Delta and kayaked. Then they drove to the Pacific Ocean to see marine life at a reserve, stopping along the way for some wine tasting and a walk through the vineyards. They finished the day watching the sunset at a luxury resort after a spa treatment and enjoying more wine, a gourmet dinner and exquisite dessert.

Happy Chinese New Year 2022, Year of the Water Tiger
I do a little of everything I can think about that I’d like in my life the upcoming year. This makes for a very full day – one filled with joy. Some of the things I do are: take a walk (and try to go someplace I haven’t been before), talk to family & friends, play in my yard, read, write, take photos, eat great tasting food, maybe go to a restaurant for something wonderful, plan a vacation or trip, dream of things I want to do, and do some journaling.
Share a few things you are doing for the Lunar or Chinese New Year! I’d LOVE to hear what they are and energetically support you with your dreams!
Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year!
Linda Lenore
by llenore | Jan 31, 2022 | Uncategorized

Elegant Lunar New Year design with hanging lantern and sakura petals flying in the air. May you welcome happiness with the spring written in Chinese characters
The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival and Lunar New Year. It is a time to “Welcome” the New Year with smiles and celebrations in order to have Good Fortune, happiness, a good harvest and all the Blessings a person desires in their life. Here are some rules and restrictions that have been observed through the centuries.
- Do not say negative words (death, sick, pain, poor, break, kill, ghost, empty) – you don’t want to jinx yourself or bring misfortunes to you or loved ones
- Do not break ceramics of glass – Breaking things breaks your connection to prosperity
- Do not sweep or clean – (mentioned above)
- Do not wash your hair – That is washing away your Good Luck
- Do not use sharp objects like scissors or knives – It will cut your stream of wealth and success
- Do not borrow money on this day – Do not ask for a debt to be repaid on this day
- No fighting or crying as adults – If a child cries, do not scold them
- Avoid medicines, doctor’s, shots or surgery unless it is a serious medical issue or emergency
- Do not wake up a person – Let them arise at their own pace/speed

Wear something new on February 1, 2022.
Colorful Chinese cheongsam hanging for sale during Chinese New Year.
WEAR A NEW OUTFIT – or at least one new item of clothing
Greet the New Year with a new outfit for a new, fresh outlook on life! In China it would be a traditional Asian-styled dress for women. These days it can be a new shirt or blouse, pants, shoes or even just some new socks. Bright, glittery, sparkling jewelry or ornamental hair-ware are also some of the possibilities.
As I mentioned before, it is said that whatever you do on the first day of the Chinese New Year is what you will be doing ALL YEAR LONG! So what do you want to do, or NOT do? Do you want to be driving in Rush Hour traffic and spending 14-16 hours at work all year long? Probably not!
Think of all the things you’d like to do this coming year. Make a list. This is the time to set your intentions.
Linda Lenore