Here is another example I wanted to share.
Second example:
In September I reached out on social media for prayers for my brother & husband. (My brother is doing well, and my husband is better.) Within the course of two days my husband was in such poor health he had an emergency blood transfusion.
They told us to head back home after waiting two days to make sure he didn’t have a negative reaction to the transfusion. Also, they made it clear we needed to see specialists within two weeks because they couldn’t find the cause of his anemia.
Over the next couple months numerous doctor’s appointments and tests lead to a medical procedure in December. Within 2 hours of returning home after the procedure, we found water on the laundry floor. Unbeknownst to us a small, non-detected leak within the walls was now a broken plumbing connection to the washer.
According to Feng Shui, our laundry room is the area related to the “oldest male” in the family; hence, the area associated with my husband. Ultimately, the procedure doctors had performed earlier that eventful day had found a “small, non-detected (blood) leak” in his plumbing.
The plumbers had arrived and fixed the washer problem quickly. I felt confident the doctors had found and fixed the leaky blood vessel within my husband. I felt the interactions of the household plumbers was a BLESSING to let me know the doctors had done the equivalent procedure with my husband.

Blessing a Home, Blesses Your Life
Moral of the stories
Calling bad or challenging situations a BLESSING is not easy! FEAR loves to jump in immediately. Yet when I can change my mental state – my mindset – by saying, “This is a blessing,” it changes the energy I put out into the Universe!
These last few months have shown me when life goes sideways, I have choices and opportunities to grow, learn, gain a new perspective, discover my strengths, and make course corrections. They all start with my thoughts and mind! What we think about, we attract! I’m attracting BLESSINGS!
That’s what Feng Shui does also. When we can change any part of our home, we change the energy around us. We can change the “negative” into a “Blessing” just by shifting the mental picture of it.