Are You Comfortable With Your Home Interior Design Choices?

Have you ever made a poor choice in decorating your home? If you did, was it your choice or someone else’s opinion you followed?

Design Mistakes

Blue, single-cushion, extra-long sofa

Blue, single-cushion, extra-long sofa

It was 1970. The sheer draperies recently were installed in my living room when a ‘friend’ said, “What were you thinking when you chose that color?” I thought the color was fine. Afterall, it was basically white!

The interior designer from the big chain store told me they were a great choice based on the other furnishings. My friend proceeded to tell me they were “too grey” with the other yellow-based colors I had in the room.

I was so embarrassed! I’d spent a huge amount of money on those draperies and knew my husband would be furious if he ever found out “they were wrong for the room!”

That wasn’t my first design mistake. It was one in a series. Buying a 95” sofa was one of the worst since it didn’t fit anyplace. My then husband, who was 6’5” tall, insisted on it in order to stretch out on it.

Design Classes

My friend’s comment was the last straw. I looked for a class to teach me about interior design. I found one through the parks & recreation department being held in a church and taught by a teacher from the prestigious Parsons School of Design. What a learning experience!

I became fascinated with the many guidelines of design. Many were totally impractical since I had a 2-year-old daughter and was going to have another child later that year. I made a new life-long friend who helped me put things into perspective.

She said, “If you want your home to be a showplace, you might want to follow the rules. If you want to have a comfortable home where you can raise a family and not worry about the mishaps that happen with children, use your common sense.”

She was a wise woman who shared lots of sage advice on numerous topics throughout our 40-year friendship. Sometimes the most valuable lessons learned are not from “teachers,” but from friendships.

Design Business

Within a year I had started an interior design business with several neighborhood ladies. We all were taking interior design classes at the local college. Our company was called, It’s About Design.

Each one of us had specific qualities we brought to the company. I was great at teaching classes that brought us clients. My focus was on the PRACTICAL SIDE of design. If you had children, pets, and/or didn’t like to clean house, I was your gal!

Now I do know the difference between yellow-based and grey-based whites. I’ve trained my eye. I also know, life is too short to focus on material things. It’s family, friendships, experiences, and the beauty of nature that means the world to me.

But if you have design questions, I love to share the pros and cons, the practical, and what truly matters in life. I’m glad to share my stories, experiences, wisdom, and sage advice. Just ask me!

The Radiant Symbolism of Yellow Chrysanthemums in Chinese New Year Celebrations

As the Chinese New Year approaches, which is an important time to re-evaluate your home through Feng Shui eyes,

Nine Yellow Chrysanthemums in a Red container bring Good Luck, Abundance, and Power for the New Year

Nine Yellow Chrysanthemums in a Red container bring Good Luck, Abundance, and Power for the New Year

households across the world are adorned with vibrant decorations to usher in prosperity, good fortune, and happiness for the coming year. Among the various symbols and traditions, yellow chrysanthemums stand out as a significant and auspicious floral choice for this festive occasion.

Yellow, being a symbol of wealth and good luck in Chinese culture, makes chrysanthemums of this color particularly auspicious during the New Year celebrations. These radiant blooms are believed to bring positive energy and attract good fortune into homes and businesses. Their sunny hue not only adds a touch of warmth to the surroundings but also aligns with the vibrant spirit of the Chinese New Year festivities.

Chrysanthemums, in general, are highly esteemed in Chinese culture for their symbolic meanings. They are associated with longevity, resilience, and even immortality. The use of yellow chrysanthemums during the New Year celebration reflects a desire for a prosperous and enduring life, making them a popular choice for decorations and gifts.

Moreover, the intricate layers of chrysanthemum petals are likened to the layers of success and prosperity that individuals aspire to achieve in the coming year. The flower’s resilient nature, often blooming in the autumn, also serves as a reminder of overcoming challenges and embracing change—a fitting sentiment as families bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one.

In addition to their positive symbolism, the aesthetic appeal of yellow chrysanthemums contributes to their popularity. Their bright and cheerful appearance complements the festive atmosphere, creating a visually pleasing environment that resonates with the joyous spirit of the occasion.

Plants of yellow chrysanthemums play a crucial role in enhancing the overall ambiance of the Chinese New Year celebrations. As families gather to usher in the Lunar New Year, these radiant blooms not only symbolize good fortune and longevity, they also serve as a beautiful representation of hope, prosperity, and the endless possibilities that the new year holds.

Infusing Western Style with Eastern Traditions: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Feng Shui for Chinese New Year (Part 4)

Step 6: Aromatherapy and Positive Energy Infusion (10 minutes)

Aromatherapy image & products by West Elm

Aromatherapy image & products by West Elm

As our transformative journey continues, immerse your home with the soothing scents of aromatherapy, one that is carefully orchestrated blending Western wellness trends and traditional purification practices.

In just 10 minutes, infuse your living space with the refreshing aroma of citrus or the calming essence of lavender. As these fragrances delicately permeate your home, negative energy dissipates, leaving behind a profound sense of clarity and renewal.

This intentional act ensures that your home transcends the realms of the physical and becomes a sanctuary of positive energy, aligning seamlessly with the very essence of the Chinese New Year. The fragrances linger not only in the air, but also become an integral part of the very essence of your living space.

A vase filled with roses in all their glorious colors brings fragrance and the Five Elements of CTM to create balance. Also, it adds the personal touch to make your home uniquely yours!

A vase filled with roses in all their glorious colors brings fragrance and the Five Elements of CTM to create balance. Also, it adds the personal touch to make your home uniquely yours!

Bringing in natures’ natural scents, like a vase of roses or boughs of pine, connects you and your space to the elements of Mother Earth. They create an environment that not only promotes well-being; it exudes an aura of balance since it encompasses the Five Elements of Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM); the elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. This step continues our journey, contributing to the ongoing positive transformation of your living space.

#AromaHarmony #SacredScents

Next Stop: Invoking Prosperity with Part 7

Step 7: Invoking Prosperity with Personal Touches (20 minutes)

Our journey unfolds as we delve into the realm of personal touches to invoke prosperity.

In just 20 minutes, infuse your living space with elements that hold personal significance and meaning. It could be a cherished piece of artwork, a family heirloom, flowers from your garden or the Farmer’s Market, or items that resonate with your aspirations for the dreams you hold in your heart. These personal touches add a layer of uniqueness to your home, deepening the connection between your space and your personal journey.

As you strategically place these items, visualize them as anchors for the prosperity you seek. This final segment is a culmination of our efforts. It allows you to personalize your space in a way that aligns your head, heart, and hands with your goals and dreams – a powerful tool to start the Chinese New Year.

Dreams you hold in a jar called your heart!

Dreams you hold in a jar called your heart!

#PersonalizedProsperity #HomeAsAnAltar

In embracing the rich tapestry of Chinese New Year traditions with a Western twist, these Feng Shui tips are thoughtfully curated for the dynamic, busy woman seeking a harmonious home. In just a few hours, you can successfully transform your living space into a sanctuary of joy, balance, and prosperity. May your home beautifully reflect the intricacies of your unique journey in the Year of the Wood Dragon!

#HomeHarmony #ChineseNewYearDecor #YearOfTheWoodDragon #WoodDragon #ChineseNewYear2024

Infusing Western Style with Eastern Traditions: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Feng Shui for Chinese New Year (Part 3)

Continuing our awareness of our homes as we prepare for the Chinese New Year, we’ve discovered clutter can cause negative energy. We’ve discussed the power of different colors and what they represent. Now we are going to move to other furnishings, more specifically the larger pieces and how they affect the flow of energy.

Living Room with room to  move around the furniture and open pathways

Living Room with room to move around the furniture and open pathways

Step 4: Furniture Arrangement for Harmony (40 minutes)

As our transformative journey gracefully pauses for reflection, the focus turns towards the arrangement of your living space.

In the realm of Feng Shui, the unimpeded flow of energy is of utmost importance for creating an environment of true harmony. Take this moment to ensure that your furniture placement not only adheres to the principles of design, but also encourages a smooth flow of positive chi.

Visualize this as orchestrating a choreographed dance of energy, where each piece of furniture plays a pivotal role in creating an atmosphere of balance and serenity. The intentional rearrangement that transpires in this segment is not solely for the visual appeal of your home. It’s a deliberate act in setting the stage for daily tranquility.

Can you walk around and through your home easily? Or are you having to squeeze by large or small pieces of furniture? What about plants – are you having to duck under a branch or push one aside?

The human body likes a 3′ wide pathway for the shoulders to feel safe walking through a space. If you have to turn sideways to get through an area, you feel restricted. That’s a sure sign the energy doesn’t flow easily there either; it’s restricted as well. The lower part of the body can sometimes feel okay walking through a space that’s only 2 feet wide, but still that is rather tight for the energy to flow nicely.

In just 40 minutes, you have skillfully crafted a living space that not only invites a sense of harmony; it exudes an aura of elegance. This strategic alignment fosters an environment where you can navigate your daily tasks with ease and grace, creating a haven of balance within the heart of your home.

#HarmoniousLiving #ElegantFlow

Wreath from Wayfair images

Wreath from Wayfair images

Next Stop: Front Door Elegance

Step 5: Front Door Elegance (15 minutes)

Our journey actually should start at the Front Door because it is the main “Mouth of Chi”! It is the pivotal gateway to your home where first impressions are indelibly etched. If it isn’t inviting, you won’t be attracting all the good that’s available out in the world.

Front Door image from Rejuvenation images

Front Door image from Rejuvenation images

In just15 minutes you can elevate your front door with a touch of elegance. A simple wreath, adorned with fresh or silk flowers or greenery, which symbolizes renewal, can extend a heartfelt welcome to positive energy. Opt for a sleek, minimalist design that seamlessly complements your home’s aesthetic.

Add a new, decorative “Welcome” mat in red or black for a pop of boldness.

What transpires in this segment transforms your entrance into more than just a physical doorway; it becomes a statement of beauty and balance. With minimal effort, you have not only created an elegant gateway that warmly welcomes you home, but you also have set the tone for a living space filled with positivity and style.

#ElegantEntrance #ModernWelcoming

Next Stop: Aromatherapy and Energy Purification

Infusing Western Style with Eastern Traditions: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Feng Shui for Chinese New Year (Part 2)

To have a clean slate to work with when setting your goals, we need to get rid of last year’s energy. Clutter is a good example of things from the past holding us back. That’s why the first step is to declutter, thus creating an organized environment in which to set our intentions. It raises the vitality.

Next we are going to locate an area we deal the “wealth area” of our homes.


The Ba-Gua

Step 2: Create a Westernized Wealth Corner (45 minutes)

Guided by the ancient wisdom of the Ba-Gua map, our journey gracefully leads us to the wealth corner of your home, a pivotal point associated with the beckoning of financial prosperity in Feng Shui.

In this segment, we introduce a touch of Western luxury by embracing the opulent gleam of gold accents. Gold, synonymous with opulence and abundance in Western design, is now strategically incorporated as a potent symbol for prosperity. Elevate this space with the warm glow of carefully chosen gold-framed mirrors, metallic decor, or a chic vase adorned with fresh flowers.

A couple other colors associated with wealth are green and purple. If gold isn’t your style, find items in either or both of these colors. It could be you include a green houseplant or an orchid with a purple flower. Then you’d have both green and purple. A Lucky Bamboo is also a possibility, especially if you find yourself challenged keeping plants alive. Lucky Bamboo can live in areas of low light and do not like direct light, so it’s perfect for those interior bathrooms.

These additions not only enhance the visual aesthetics of your wealth corner but also act as beacons attracting positive financial energy. In a mere 45 minutes, you have transformed this area into a stylish haven radiating prosperity and elegance – a tangible reflection of your aspirations for the Chinese New Year.

#WealthCornerGlamour #LuxuryWithPurpose

Next Stop: Red and Gold Accents in Modern Style

Red Envelopes, Ingots, Firecrackers, & Peach Blossoms for Health, Wealth, Love, Joy, & Good Luck!

Red Envelopes, Ingots, Firecrackers, & Peach Blossoms for Health, Wealth, Love, Joy, & Good Luck!

Step 3: Red and Gold Accents in Modern Style (20 minutes)

As our journey unfolds, we shift our focus to infusing the vibrant hues of red and gold into your decor, but with a contemporary and modern twist.

Instead of traditional lanterns, you might consider sleek red and gold throw pillows, table runners, or candles. Red is considered the most auspicious color, that is why it is used in as many ways as possible throughout the Lunar New Year, whether it’s in clothing, decor for the home, or the symbolic Red Envelopes given this time of year.

These accents seamlessly integrate with the existing framework of contemporary Western design, infusing your living space with an aura of auspicious energy. The fusion of tradition and modern style achieved in this segment results in a unique, stylish, and meaningful ambiance. In just 20 minutes, you have not only created a visual harmony that resonates with the spirit of the Chinese New Year, but you have also successfully blended elements that complement your Western design sensibilities.

This intentional blending ensures that your home becomes a testament to the seamless integration of diverse cultures, adding depth and character to your living space.

#ModernAuspiciousness #StylishHarmony

Next Stop: Furniture Arrangement for Harmony

Self-Care During Seasons of Scary Times – When It’s Your Health – Part 3 (Continued) What I did

Here’s what I did


The Artist's Way - The book that started my journaling journey!

The Artist’s Way – The book that started my journaling journey!

  1. I started to read empowering books and magazines. (This was long before any electronic readers were available. Coaches, especially Mindset Coaches, were very rare and not in my immediate SOI – Sphere of Influence.
  2. I came across Julia Cameron’s book, The Artists Way. It talked about journaling and doing “Morning Pages.” This worked for me. I started to be more optimistic. I was “dumping” the negative thoughts and worries onto a hand-written page. After about a week of this I couldn’t handle the negative writing and started writing about how I wanted to be well, walk again, and be able to do all the activities I loved.
  3. I had learned about Feng Shui about 10 years before. In Feng Shui we learned about the interconnectedness of the home and the body. Since the diagnosis was unknown, all I could do was look at what had been visible – in and on my body – and what my symptoms were.
    • The rash was on the skin and the skin is the outside of the house. I knew the paint on my house was peeling in places. I had someone come and fix it.

      Area where the sheetrock was torn because the doorframe had been removed to move the washer & dryer out of the laundry room.

      Area where the sheetrock was torn because the doorframe had been removed to move the washer & dryer out of the laundry room.

    • My knees wouldn’t bend. Those are the “joints.” I had someone fix the joints where the sheetrock seams were located, which had been broken when the previous owner tore out the door in order to remove the washer and dryer from the laundry room. (The reason those joints had not been fixed before I bought the house was because I had bought the home “as is” out of desperation during the divorce.)
    • I continued the process by changing my thoughts from “symptoms” and “poor me” to my desired outcomes! I saw myself wearing beautiful shoes again and having the ability to dress up, go out of the house, and enjoy the beauty of life. I wanted to see the sunlight from outside, to wear bright colors, and dance. Then in my mind’s eye I saw a stained-glass window with all the colors of the rainbow. I saw where it had to go in the house.

      Before photo of living room when we started the remodeling. - Living room sheet rock removal 4-27-05

      Before photo of living room when we started the remodeling. – Living room sheet rock removal 4-27-05

    • From that point on my mind was on a creative journey. I wrote daily about visions I saw for the house. The visions looked at every part of the home, finding what was wrong or broken or didn’t work for me. These visions included ways to change it, making it beautiful.

Years before I was guided to name my company, A Beautiful Center of Light. During this time the real birthing of my company into a material form occurred. This process showed all the things I needed to change in my home and what to do.

I didn’t know how I was going to pay for any of the work. I didn’t know how this was going to heal my body.

But… the process healed my body! And the money came to do the work on the house.

The multi-colored stained-glass window placed in the living room where I saw it in my Mind's Eye years before!

The multi-colored stained-glass window placed in the living room where I saw it in my Mind’s Eye years before!

They still don’t know what I had or what caused my illness. It really doesn’t matter now. What does matter is I learned how our home is an extension of us. We are connected to it and it to us.

I continued to journal for many years and then stopped. When I went back to reading my journals, I decided I wasn’t going to do any more writing like that. It was so negative and depressing. I tossed the journals because I never wanted anyone to see how far down the dark hole I had gone. They contained an energy I needed to release from my body at that time, not keep to remember or share.

Multi-colored Stained glass window

Closeup – Multi-colored Stained glass window

Journaling has helped many people and may be exactly what you need and want to do. It definitely did help me. But the journals themselves were not something I wanted to keep in my space once I was healed.

If you’d like to learn more about the connection between our body and our home, I’ve written an eBook on this called, HOME: A Reflection of SELF! Check my website for a free copy of it or contact me to receive it.

I think you will find the information fascinating and helpful!