Elevate Your Space with Brain-Friendly Serenity

Welcome, beautiful souls, to a journey of transforming your environment into a sanctuary of peace and inspiration.

Peaceful Green Bedroom with Natural Elements & Botanicals

Peaceful Green Bedroom with Natural Elements & Botanicals

Here are three whimsical and spiritually uplifting tips to infuse your space with positive energy and harmony.

1. Harmonize with Nature’s Palette

When choosing colors for your sacred space, let Mother Nature be your guide. Envelop your surroundings in soothing shades of green and blue to invite tranquility and balance. Imagine the serenity of a lush forest or a gentle sea breeze – these hues can help you tap into a deeper state of calm. Steer clear of too much fiery red, which can stir up anxiety and agitation. (These are basic Feng Shui tips.)

Instead, sprinkle in soft yellows to spark joy and creativity, perfect for your meditation nook or creative altar. Yellow is also an excellent color for an office – home or workplace – to infuse more creativity into the room’s energy, thus supporting a brain-friendly environment.

Bamboo Water Features - Indoor and Outdoor Fountains for Clarity & Calmness

Bamboo Water Features – Indoor and Outdoor Fountains for Clarity & Calmness

2. Flow with Water’s Wisdom

Water is a powerful symbol of life and renewal. Introducing water elements like a tabletop fountain or a cascading wall feature can transform your space into an oasis of calm. The gentle sounds of trickling water not only soothe the soul but also enhance focus and clarity. Water features also create negative ions, which have been shown to improve air quality plus they reduce and remove the positive ions associated with stress.

If installing a fountain isn’t feasible, a sound machine with serene rain or ocean waves can be equally magical. Let the whispers of water guide you to inner peace and heightened awareness.

3. Embrace Nature’s Green Guardians

Houseplants Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) & Connect You To Nature

Houseplants Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) & Connect You To Nature

Plants are living reminders of nature’s nurturing presence. Adorn your space with vibrant greenery to purify the air and uplift your spirit. Many years ago NASA did tests that showed certain houseplants remove toxins from the air improving IAQ (Indoor Air Quality).

From delicate ferns to robust succulents, plants breathe life into your environment, creating a haven of growth and renewal. Place them lovingly on your desk, shelves, or even hang them from the ceiling – let their energy flow freely and invigorate your space with vitality and calm.

Why not try integrating these soulful elements into your space this week? Observe how your environment and spirit transform, and share your experiences with in the comments. Let’s journey together towards a harmonious and spiritually enriched life!

Infusing Western Style with Eastern Traditions: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Feng Shui for Chinese New Year (Part 4)

Step 6: Aromatherapy and Positive Energy Infusion (10 minutes)

Aromatherapy image & products by West Elm

Aromatherapy image & products by West Elm

As our transformative journey continues, immerse your home with the soothing scents of aromatherapy, one that is carefully orchestrated blending Western wellness trends and traditional purification practices.

In just 10 minutes, infuse your living space with the refreshing aroma of citrus or the calming essence of lavender. As these fragrances delicately permeate your home, negative energy dissipates, leaving behind a profound sense of clarity and renewal.

This intentional act ensures that your home transcends the realms of the physical and becomes a sanctuary of positive energy, aligning seamlessly with the very essence of the Chinese New Year. The fragrances linger not only in the air, but also become an integral part of the very essence of your living space.

A vase filled with roses in all their glorious colors brings fragrance and the Five Elements of CTM to create balance. Also, it adds the personal touch to make your home uniquely yours!

A vase filled with roses in all their glorious colors brings fragrance and the Five Elements of CTM to create balance. Also, it adds the personal touch to make your home uniquely yours!

Bringing in natures’ natural scents, like a vase of roses or boughs of pine, connects you and your space to the elements of Mother Earth. They create an environment that not only promotes well-being; it exudes an aura of balance since it encompasses the Five Elements of Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM); the elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. This step continues our journey, contributing to the ongoing positive transformation of your living space.

#AromaHarmony #SacredScents

Next Stop: Invoking Prosperity with Part 7

Step 7: Invoking Prosperity with Personal Touches (20 minutes)

Our journey unfolds as we delve into the realm of personal touches to invoke prosperity.

In just 20 minutes, infuse your living space with elements that hold personal significance and meaning. It could be a cherished piece of artwork, a family heirloom, flowers from your garden or the Farmer’s Market, or items that resonate with your aspirations for the dreams you hold in your heart. These personal touches add a layer of uniqueness to your home, deepening the connection between your space and your personal journey.

As you strategically place these items, visualize them as anchors for the prosperity you seek. This final segment is a culmination of our efforts. It allows you to personalize your space in a way that aligns your head, heart, and hands with your goals and dreams – a powerful tool to start the Chinese New Year.

Dreams you hold in a jar called your heart!

Dreams you hold in a jar called your heart!

#PersonalizedProsperity #HomeAsAnAltar

In embracing the rich tapestry of Chinese New Year traditions with a Western twist, these Feng Shui tips are thoughtfully curated for the dynamic, busy woman seeking a harmonious home. In just a few hours, you can successfully transform your living space into a sanctuary of joy, balance, and prosperity. May your home beautifully reflect the intricacies of your unique journey in the Year of the Wood Dragon!

#HomeHarmony #ChineseNewYearDecor #YearOfTheWoodDragon #WoodDragon #ChineseNewYear2024

Infusing Western Style with Eastern Traditions: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Feng Shui for Chinese New Year (Part 3)

Continuing our awareness of our homes as we prepare for the Chinese New Year, we’ve discovered clutter can cause negative energy. We’ve discussed the power of different colors and what they represent. Now we are going to move to other furnishings, more specifically the larger pieces and how they affect the flow of energy.

Living Room with room to  move around the furniture and open pathways

Living Room with room to move around the furniture and open pathways

Step 4: Furniture Arrangement for Harmony (40 minutes)

As our transformative journey gracefully pauses for reflection, the focus turns towards the arrangement of your living space.

In the realm of Feng Shui, the unimpeded flow of energy is of utmost importance for creating an environment of true harmony. Take this moment to ensure that your furniture placement not only adheres to the principles of design, but also encourages a smooth flow of positive chi.

Visualize this as orchestrating a choreographed dance of energy, where each piece of furniture plays a pivotal role in creating an atmosphere of balance and serenity. The intentional rearrangement that transpires in this segment is not solely for the visual appeal of your home. It’s a deliberate act in setting the stage for daily tranquility.

Can you walk around and through your home easily? Or are you having to squeeze by large or small pieces of furniture? What about plants – are you having to duck under a branch or push one aside?

The human body likes a 3′ wide pathway for the shoulders to feel safe walking through a space. If you have to turn sideways to get through an area, you feel restricted. That’s a sure sign the energy doesn’t flow easily there either; it’s restricted as well. The lower part of the body can sometimes feel okay walking through a space that’s only 2 feet wide, but still that is rather tight for the energy to flow nicely.

In just 40 minutes, you have skillfully crafted a living space that not only invites a sense of harmony; it exudes an aura of elegance. This strategic alignment fosters an environment where you can navigate your daily tasks with ease and grace, creating a haven of balance within the heart of your home.

#HarmoniousLiving #ElegantFlow

Wreath from Wayfair images

Wreath from Wayfair images

Next Stop: Front Door Elegance

Step 5: Front Door Elegance (15 minutes)

Our journey actually should start at the Front Door because it is the main “Mouth of Chi”! It is the pivotal gateway to your home where first impressions are indelibly etched. If it isn’t inviting, you won’t be attracting all the good that’s available out in the world.

Front Door image from Rejuvenation images

Front Door image from Rejuvenation images

In just15 minutes you can elevate your front door with a touch of elegance. A simple wreath, adorned with fresh or silk flowers or greenery, which symbolizes renewal, can extend a heartfelt welcome to positive energy. Opt for a sleek, minimalist design that seamlessly complements your home’s aesthetic.

Add a new, decorative “Welcome” mat in red or black for a pop of boldness.

What transpires in this segment transforms your entrance into more than just a physical doorway; it becomes a statement of beauty and balance. With minimal effort, you have not only created an elegant gateway that warmly welcomes you home, but you also have set the tone for a living space filled with positivity and style.

#ElegantEntrance #ModernWelcoming

Next Stop: Aromatherapy and Energy Purification

Infusing Western Style with Eastern Traditions: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Feng Shui for Chinese New Year (Part 1)

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

How’s your New Year going? Have you accomplished the goals you set or stuck to your resolutions? If not, you have another opportunity to make headway by preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

As the Lunar New Year approaches, there is a profound opportunity to seamlessly weave together the tapestry of cultural richness and modern elegance within the sanctuaries of our homes. This transformative series, carefully curated by me, a Feng Shui master, is designed specifically for the dynamic and busy professional women of today.

Together, let’s embark on a journey that skillfully merges Western interior design ideas with timeless Asian customs, introducing not only a sense of calm and beauty but also infusing a touch of the sacred into every corner of your home.

What makes this guide particularly appealing is that each tip is meticulously crafted to be effortlessly incorporated into your routine – whether you do a little each day or take a half day here and there to implement them – each suggestion can be allocated to an hour or less, depending on how much time you have, how much needs to be done, or how much focus into the details you want to spend time wise.

Marie Kondo's Book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Marie Kondo’s Book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Step 1: Declutter Your Space with a Purposeful Twist (30 minutes – maybe a couple times a week if you have several areas of focus)

Our journey commences with a deep dive into the transformative power of mindful decluttering, drawing inspiration from the minimalist philosophy of the renowned Marie Kondo. Beyond the mere act of tidying, this process is an intentional and purposeful endeavor.

As you delicately sift through your possessions, envision not only the reclamation of physical space but also the dispelling of any lingering negative energy. By consciously parting ways with items that no longer serve you, you are engaging in more than a decluttering exercise; you are creating room for the infusion of positive vibes.

This intentional approach serves as the foundational step toward crafting a serene and sacred home where each corner resonates with the vibrant energy of joy and purpose. Imagine a space that not only looks tidy but feels revitalized – a perfect initiation into the auspicious Chinese New Year.

#DeclutterForCalm #SacredSpaceRevival

Next Stop: Create a Westernized Wealth Corner