by llenore | Feb 6, 2024 | Balance, Blog, Chinese New Year, Energy, Feng Shui, Good Life, Linda Lenore, Number 9, Number 9, Optimistic, Self Care, Spiritual, Symbolism
Lunar New Year for 2024 brings additional energies according to several Feng Shui schools. Most people don’t know anything about this, yet it is a powerful tool – one to consciously consider and utilize in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. It’s a 20-year cycle and it’s just starting!

Hello Period 9
The “period” systems mainly comes into play determining energies for construction dates of buildings. Most people don’t have control over unless they build a new home.
Yet these energies are prevalent in all areas of our life. I’m not predicting the future, I’m sharing qualities and energies experienced in past Period 8 and Period 9 timeframes.
Period 8 – based on the number 8 – is associated with balance, ambition, giving back, and prosperity energies. Some of its challenging energies are materialistic, authoritative, and feeling entitled. We have seen extensive examples of ambition, materialistic focus, entitlement, and authoritarian influences worldwide, especially since 2020.
Period 9 – based on the number 9 – is about endings of cycles. It’s an energy of transformation, guiding, and empowering leadership. It’s humanitarian at its heart and awakening inner wisdom. It’s being tolerant, not judgmental. The potential downsides energetically are resentful, sacrificing, and suffering without reason.
In past Period 9s the energies were started for major changes that happened in American history. Two cycles ago, the first Bible was published in America giving guidance for transformation. The New England states changed leadership many times during that same Period 9 cycle – many times resulting in resentful and sacrificing energies. The last Period 9 saw empowering leadership that started efforts to abolish slavery (humanitarian). They were concluded in Period 1 (the next Period), which becomes an example of an ending cycle guiding to a new transformation cycle.
This is not a history lesson, nor am I going to get into political issues. I’m sharing some of the major energies brought to the forefront historically during Period 9.
The main point is: there is a shift of energy on the horizon unlike anything we’ve experienced. My reasoning is because each “period” is 20-years long. That means a person would have to live 180 years to have participated in this energy. I don’t know anyone that has lived that long. (The oldest documented human lived to be 122 years old.)
So, hold on! We’re going to see an energy we haven’t seen in the world. The most powerful number is the number 9. According to numerology, 9 is the number of wisdom and leadership.
Spiritually speaking – let’s pray we see this!
by llenore | Feb 2, 2024 | Business, Chinese New Year, Energy, Energy, Energy, Feng Shui, Food-Recipes, Health, Optimistic
I love to have fun with Feng Shui, which makes the energy created even more powerful. The energetic vibrancy of joy, happiness, love, playfulness, creativity, and beauty – to name a few adjectives of high emotional vibrations – can change just about any possible bad vibes.

Groundhog Day Cookies from Penzey’s website
That’s why a sign I used “on stage” at the 100’s of presentations I did around North America in the late 1990s and early 2000s had the word FUN in bold letters!
Hence, this blog is about having FUN!!! (I also incorporate FUN FRIDAY FENG SHUI posts on my social media most Fridays.)
When I lived close to a Penzey’s spice store, they had a special promotion on making Groundhog Day cookies. I immediately purchased a cookie cutter to celebrate this fun and unique day. You can find the recipe I used here:

Official Groundhog Cookie Recipe from “VisitPA”
It turns out there is an Official Groundhog Cookie Recipe from Pennsylvania here:
I always loved the movie, Groundhog Day, because it gave me hope that I can “do over” anything until I get it right – or close enough!

Groundhog Day Movie image from Amazon
Do Overs – Getting It Right vs. Doing What Works
There was a time I wrote a blog every week – sometimes every day. I loved sharing my knowledge, especially the many things not usually discussed about Feng Shui.
You see, I was not an advocate of Feng Shui when first introduced to it nearly 40 years ago. Always asking “WHY?” got me dismissed from several Feng Shui schools. That lesson taught me to keep asking questions until I found the answers. That’s a DO OVER of one type.
Since I love to share the “little known” or “held privately” knowledge, I’m committed to write blogs more often. There is a huge amount of unmentioned knowledge about Feng Shui. I do share them in my courses and will be sharing here as well.
Because I was always asking WHY, I figured out how many other diverse modalities I’ve studied connect to each other. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! EVERYTHING IS INTERCONNECTED! That’s why you will find me discussing and sharing Feng Shui in a way that connects rather than isolates.
Chinese New Year Checklist
As part of the interconnectedness, I celebrate the Chinese New Year. It’s a time to think about what I want to DO OVER. What worked? What didn’t work? This year it starts on February 10th, 2024.
It’s a time to focus on gratitude when I’m not exhausted from the holiday madness that results with the Western calendar year. I love the symbology and the shift in energy that’s created when I utilize some of the customs.

Dragon Reflection in the water as part of the Chinese or Lunar New Year Ceremonies
I’ve created a CHECKLIST with things to do in your house BEFORE the New Year, activities or tasks to shift your personal energy in preparation for the New Year (both of these can be done for any “new year or new beginning”), and the customs for the FIRST DAY of the Chinese New Year. You can get your FREE eBook here:
Since one of the customs is doing a deep cleaning of your home and tomorrow is the last Saturday before the New Year, I will be doing my deep cleaning this weekend!
How about you? What are your thoughts on Groundhog Day, “DO OVERs,” and Chinese New Year? Please share in the comments.
by llenore | Jan 31, 2024 | Beauty, Blog, Energy, Energy, Feng Shui, Health, Linda Lenore, Mind-Body Connection, Mind-Body-Environment, Optimistic, Sacred Space, Self Care, SelfCare, Spiritual, Symbolism

Here is another example I wanted to share.
Second example:
In September I reached out on social media for prayers for my brother & husband. (My brother is doing well, and my husband is better.) Within the course of two days my husband was in such poor health he had an emergency blood transfusion.
They told us to head back home after waiting two days to make sure he didn’t have a negative reaction to the transfusion. Also, they made it clear we needed to see specialists within two weeks because they couldn’t find the cause of his anemia.
Over the next couple months numerous doctor’s appointments and tests lead to a medical procedure in December. Within 2 hours of returning home after the procedure, we found water on the laundry floor. Unbeknownst to us a small, non-detected leak within the walls was now a broken plumbing connection to the washer.
According to Feng Shui, our laundry room is the area related to the “oldest male” in the family; hence, the area associated with my husband. Ultimately, the procedure doctors had performed earlier that eventful day had found a “small, non-detected (blood) leak” in his plumbing.
The plumbers had arrived and fixed the washer problem quickly. I felt confident the doctors had found and fixed the leaky blood vessel within my husband. I felt the interactions of the household plumbers was a BLESSING to let me know the doctors had done the equivalent procedure with my husband.

Blessing a Home, Blesses Your Life
Moral of the stories
Calling bad or challenging situations a BLESSING is not easy! FEAR loves to jump in immediately. Yet when I can change my mental state – my mindset – by saying, “This is a blessing,” it changes the energy I put out into the Universe!
These last few months have shown me when life goes sideways, I have choices and opportunities to grow, learn, gain a new perspective, discover my strengths, and make course corrections. They all start with my thoughts and mind! What we think about, we attract! I’m attracting BLESSINGS!
That’s what Feng Shui does also. When we can change any part of our home, we change the energy around us. We can change the “negative” into a “Blessing” just by shifting the mental picture of it.
by llenore | Jan 30, 2024 | Blog, Feng Shui, Good Life, Health, Linda Lenore, Mind-Body Connection, Mind-Body-Environment, Mindfulness, Optimistic, SelfCare, Symbolism
Sometimes life goes “sideways” even with the best of plans, using all the knowledge I’ve gleaned through my Feng Shui trainings, and implementing correct protocols from numerous modalities.

I’m Calling it a Blessing
The question is: How does one navigate these times? (Hint: I call them BLESSINGS!)
Having a PERFECT FENG SHUI HOME does not stop bad things from happening. (BTW – there is no “perfect” Feng Shui home!) The point is to use your home – knowing through Feng Shui the interaction and interconnection your home has with your health and life – to figure out what the growth, lesson, and opportunity are in the situation.
What are the hidden treasures in the detour your life has taken. Rarely are the “treasures” known or understood until some point in the future. When you can look back.
I’ve had a virtual “Treasure Map of Learning Opportunities” the last 6 months. I’ll share a couple brief ones to give you an idea. It would take numerous blogs to share them all!
First example:
We took our first vacation in years during the summer. We went to a quaint little town I’d heard about and seen in photos. We walked around trying to find a restaurant that would accommodate my allergies. They promised they’d look after me. Two hours later I was having a horrible allergy attack that lasted several days. We ended our trip early. I needed to recover at home.

Blessing a Home for the Lunar New Year
When we arrived home, we found a toilet had been running the whole time and overflowed. We arrived back just before the water was about to flood the carpet.
From Feng Shui, the area where this happened in the home and the symbolic relation to where my allergic reaction occurred in my body were identical!
Thus, I call my misfortunate allergy attack a BLESSING because it prevented us from having thousands of dollars of damage to our home.
Tomorrow I’ll share another example.
by llenore | Jan 11, 2024 | Balance, Beauty, Blog, Calm, Chinese New Year, Clutter, Feng Shui, Interior Design, Mindfulness, Optimistic, Order, Sacred Space, Self Care, SelfCare, Spiritual

Happy New Year
How’s your New Year going? Have you accomplished the goals you set or stuck to your resolutions? If not, you have another opportunity to make headway by preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year.
As the Lunar New Year approaches, there is a profound opportunity to seamlessly weave together the tapestry of cultural richness and modern elegance within the sanctuaries of our homes. This transformative series, carefully curated by me, a Feng Shui master, is designed specifically for the dynamic and busy professional women of today.
Together, let’s embark on a journey that skillfully merges Western interior design ideas with timeless Asian customs, introducing not only a sense of calm and beauty but also infusing a touch of the sacred into every corner of your home.
What makes this guide particularly appealing is that each tip is meticulously crafted to be effortlessly incorporated into your routine – whether you do a little each day or take a half day here and there to implement them – each suggestion can be allocated to an hour or less, depending on how much time you have, how much needs to be done, or how much focus into the details you want to spend time wise.

Marie Kondo’s Book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Step 1: Declutter Your Space with a Purposeful Twist (30 minutes – maybe a couple times a week if you have several areas of focus)
Our journey commences with a deep dive into the transformative power of mindful decluttering, drawing inspiration from the minimalist philosophy of the renowned Marie Kondo. Beyond the mere act of tidying, this process is an intentional and purposeful endeavor.
As you delicately sift through your possessions, envision not only the reclamation of physical space but also the dispelling of any lingering negative energy. By consciously parting ways with items that no longer serve you, you are engaging in more than a decluttering exercise; you are creating room for the infusion of positive vibes.
This intentional approach serves as the foundational step toward crafting a serene and sacred home where each corner resonates with the vibrant energy of joy and purpose. Imagine a space that not only looks tidy but feels revitalized – a perfect initiation into the auspicious Chinese New Year.
#DeclutterForCalm #SacredSpaceRevival
Next Stop: Create a Westernized Wealth Corner
by llenore | Oct 25, 2023 | Beauty, Better Life, Blog, Color, Feng Shui, Good Life, Healing Hearts, Health, Interior Design, Journaling, Linda Lenore, Mind's Eye, Optimistic, Scary Times, Self Care, Spiritual, Visions - visioning - Vision Boards, Wellness, You are the LIGHT
Here’s what I did

The Artist’s Way – The book that started my journaling journey!
- I started to read empowering books and magazines. (This was long before any electronic readers were available. Coaches, especially Mindset Coaches, were very rare and not in my immediate SOI – Sphere of Influence.
- I came across Julia Cameron’s book, The Artists Way. It talked about journaling and doing “Morning Pages.” This worked for me. I started to be more optimistic. I was “dumping” the negative thoughts and worries onto a hand-written page. After about a week of this I couldn’t handle the negative writing and started writing about how I wanted to be well, walk again, and be able to do all the activities I loved.
- I had learned about Feng Shui about 10 years before. In Feng Shui we learned about the interconnectedness of the home and the body. Since the diagnosis was unknown, all I could do was look at what had been visible – in and on my body – and what my symptoms were.
- The rash was on the skin and the skin is the outside of the house. I knew the paint on my house was peeling in places. I had someone come and fix it.

Area where the sheetrock was torn because the doorframe had been removed to move the washer & dryer out of the laundry room.
- My knees wouldn’t bend. Those are the “joints.” I had someone fix the joints where the sheetrock seams were located, which had been broken when the previous owner tore out the door in order to remove the washer and dryer from the laundry room. (The reason those joints had not been fixed before I bought the house was because I had bought the home “as is” out of desperation during the divorce.)
- I continued the process by changing my thoughts from “symptoms” and “poor me” to my desired outcomes! I saw myself wearing beautiful shoes again and having the ability to dress up, go out of the house, and enjoy the beauty of life. I wanted to see the sunlight from outside, to wear bright colors, and dance. Then in my mind’s eye I saw a stained-glass window with all the colors of the rainbow. I saw where it had to go in the house.

Before photo of living room when we started the remodeling. – Living room sheet rock removal 4-27-05
- From that point on my mind was on a creative journey. I wrote daily about visions I saw for the house. The visions looked at every part of the home, finding what was wrong or broken or didn’t work for me. These visions included ways to change it, making it beautiful.
Years before I was guided to name my company, A Beautiful Center of Light. During this time the real birthing of my company into a material form occurred. This process showed all the things I needed to change in my home and what to do.
I didn’t know how I was going to pay for any of the work. I didn’t know how this was going to heal my body.
But… the process healed my body! And the money came to do the work on the house.

The multi-colored stained-glass window placed in the living room where I saw it in my Mind’s Eye years before!
They still don’t know what I had or what caused my illness. It really doesn’t matter now. What does matter is I learned how our home is an extension of us. We are connected to it and it to us.
I continued to journal for many years and then stopped. When I went back to reading my journals, I decided I wasn’t going to do any more writing like that. It was so negative and depressing. I tossed the journals because I never wanted anyone to see how far down the dark hole I had gone. They contained an energy I needed to release from my body at that time, not keep to remember or share.

Closeup – Multi-colored Stained glass window
Journaling has helped many people and may be exactly what you need and want to do. It definitely did help me. But the journals themselves were not something I wanted to keep in my space once I was healed.
If you’d like to learn more about the connection between our body and our home, I’ve written an eBook on this called, HOME: A Reflection of SELF! Check my website for a free copy of it or contact me to receive it.
I think you will find the information fascinating and helpful!