Elevate Your Space with Brain-Friendly Serenity

Welcome, beautiful souls, to a journey of transforming your environment into a sanctuary of peace and inspiration.

Peaceful Green Bedroom with Natural Elements & Botanicals

Peaceful Green Bedroom with Natural Elements & Botanicals

Here are three whimsical and spiritually uplifting tips to infuse your space with positive energy and harmony.

1. Harmonize with Nature’s Palette

When choosing colors for your sacred space, let Mother Nature be your guide. Envelop your surroundings in soothing shades of green and blue to invite tranquility and balance. Imagine the serenity of a lush forest or a gentle sea breeze – these hues can help you tap into a deeper state of calm. Steer clear of too much fiery red, which can stir up anxiety and agitation. (These are basic Feng Shui tips.)

Instead, sprinkle in soft yellows to spark joy and creativity, perfect for your meditation nook or creative altar. Yellow is also an excellent color for an office – home or workplace – to infuse more creativity into the room’s energy, thus supporting a brain-friendly environment.

Bamboo Water Features - Indoor and Outdoor Fountains for Clarity & Calmness

Bamboo Water Features – Indoor and Outdoor Fountains for Clarity & Calmness

2. Flow with Water’s Wisdom

Water is a powerful symbol of life and renewal. Introducing water elements like a tabletop fountain or a cascading wall feature can transform your space into an oasis of calm. The gentle sounds of trickling water not only soothe the soul but also enhance focus and clarity. Water features also create negative ions, which have been shown to improve air quality plus they reduce and remove the positive ions associated with stress.

If installing a fountain isn’t feasible, a sound machine with serene rain or ocean waves can be equally magical. Let the whispers of water guide you to inner peace and heightened awareness.

3. Embrace Nature’s Green Guardians

Houseplants Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) & Connect You To Nature

Houseplants Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) & Connect You To Nature

Plants are living reminders of nature’s nurturing presence. Adorn your space with vibrant greenery to purify the air and uplift your spirit. Many years ago NASA did tests that showed certain houseplants remove toxins from the air improving IAQ (Indoor Air Quality).

From delicate ferns to robust succulents, plants breathe life into your environment, creating a haven of growth and renewal. Place them lovingly on your desk, shelves, or even hang them from the ceiling – let their energy flow freely and invigorate your space with vitality and calm.

Why not try integrating these soulful elements into your space this week? Observe how your environment and spirit transform, and share your experiences with in the comments. Let’s journey together towards a harmonious and spiritually enriched life!

An Attitude of Gratitude Enhances Our Life and Creates Balance, Just Like Feng Shui Does in Your Home

Gratitude Attitude

Gratitude Attitude

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can transform our existence, infusing it with a profound sense of peace and fulfillment. Gratitude isn’t just about saying thank you; it is a deep spiritual practice that aligns our energy with the abundance of the universe.

Embracing gratitude invites us to appreciate the small blessings that often go unnoticed. It’s about recognizing the beauty in the mundane and the magic in everyday moments. This spiritual practice helps us to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, fostering a sense of contentment and inner peace.

In the ancient art of Feng Shui, the flow of energy, or chi, is essential for creating harmony and balance in our environments. Similarly, gratitude enhances the positive energy within us, transforming our inner landscape. By expressing thankfulness, we open ourselves to receiving more blessings, as like attracts like. This aligns perfectly with the principles of Feng Shui, where the placement and arrangement of our surroundings influence the energy that flows through our lives.

Consider creating a gratitude altar in your home, a sacred space where you can reflect on your blessings. Incorporate elements of Feng Shui by using symbols of abundance, like crystals, plants, and water features, to amplify the energy of gratitude. This practice not only enhances the positive chi in your living space but also serves as a daily reminder to cultivate an appreciative mindset.

In essence, an attitude of gratitude is a powerful spiritual tool that aligns our inner world with the harmonious energy promoted by Feng Shui. It invites us to live in a state of grace, appreciating the richness of life, and attracting more of what we cherish into our existence. By practicing gratitude, we not only elevate our own spirits but also contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

Transform Your Home with the Core 4 Organizing Method

Living in an organized space isn’t just about aesthetics; it significantly impacts our daily lives. From reducing stress to saving money, the benefits are vast. However, the process of decluttering and maintaining order can feel daunting. That’s where the Core 4 organizing method comes in, simplifying the task into four manageable steps: Clear Out, Categorize, Cut Out, and Contain.

Photo from mDesign clear containers & baskets

Photo from mDesign clear containers & baskets

Although I try to keep things organized, there is always more to do. What I think is actually happening, the more I organize the more I want to create still more order. That often includes downsizing to have less to maintain.

As many of you know we had water damage in December from a cracked water faucet in our laundry room. It turns out it had been leaking for months and there was mold. Without telling the whole story, let me say EVERYTHING had to be taken out of the laundry room and Great room because the subfloor had mold.

The Great room had 4 different cabinets/armoires filled with entertainment, cooking, and serving pieces. It had to be moved IMMEDIATELY for the remediation company to get rid of the mold. All these things were put into the few boxes I had. The rest got put on any and all flat surfaces in, out, and around the house.

The last phase of the repairs was carpet, which was finished on Friday. Now I’m starting the process of returning items to their rightful places. BUT… I’m using this process as a time to downsize more.

The first of the Core 4 steps was already done – take everything out.

Here’s how the Core 4 steps are listed:

Step 1: Clear Out – The first step is to empty the space entirely. Whether it’s a closet, garage, or pantry, removing every item sets the stage for a fresh start.  I’ve tried to embrace the temporary chaos knowing it’s the precursor to tranquility.

Step 2: Categorize – With everything laid out, start grouping similar items together. Utilize containers and labels to streamline the process. Using Post-it notes for labeling can keep the process organized and focused.

Step 3: Cut Out – As you sift through your belongings, be ruthless in discarding what you no longer need. Keep trash bags for rubbish, designate a box for donations, and consider selling items you no longer use. Ask three crucial questions: Keep, Sell, Donate. This mindset not only simplifies decision-making but also fosters a sense of generosity.

Step 4: Contain – Finally, store your remaining items in designated containers. I use baskets and clear bins for organization. Clear bins offer visibility, making it easy to locate items when needed. And don’t forget to label everything—it’s the key to maintaining order in the long run.

The Core 4 organizing method isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about transforming your living space into a functional and serene environment. By following these four steps, you can conquer clutter and enjoy the benefits of an organized home.

Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed?

Back in 1999, during a course with the esteemed Karen Kingston, a guru in all things space clearing and energy work, a tale was spun that stuck with me for years. It was a story about a bed, of all things.

Bed in hotel room

Bed in hotel room – © enginakyurt, 123RF Free Images

Picture this: a client, uneasy in her own bed with her new flame, invites Karen into her home. And where does Karen sense the energy? Yep, you guessed it – the bed. Turns out, that bed had seen more action than a Hollywood blockbuster, with a slew of men leaving their energetic mark, while the lady of the house remained the sole woman. Talk about a story that gives you goosebumps! It’s like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but with a twist – it’s not about the porridge being just right, it’s about how YOU feel in that bed.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say, the bed? Have you ever stopped to ponder who’s been cozying up in your bed before you? It’s enough to make you think twice about your next hotel stay, right? I mean, what if that bed could talk? The stories it could tell!

Speaking of stories, let me share mine. Back in ’63, I unwittingly stumbled upon the ability to feel the energy of a bed. Trust me, it’s not as glamorous as it sounds. It all started with a teenage tantrum and some regrettable words exchanged with my father. Little did I know, those words would be the last he’d hear before a heart attack claimed him. The guilt weighed heavy on me, but what weighed even heavier was the realization that I had been sleeping in that very bed for years, soaking in the residual fear and pain of his final moments. It was like living a nightmare in my sleep.

Fast forward to adulthood, and I found myself using that same sensitivity to help others. Take one client who, post-breakup, was desperate for an energy overhaul. Armed with nothing but a broom and some serious determination, she set out to banish the old vibes from her bed. And wouldn’t you know it, a few months later, she’s walking down the aisle with her high school sweetheart, blissfully married for a decade and counting.

So, dear reader, I pose this question to you – who’s been leaving their mark on YOUR bed? Could it be time for an energy shift? It’s worth considering, don’t you think? After all, a good night’s sleep might just be the sweep of a broom away.

Spring Cleaning, Chinese New Year Style: Habits for a Sparkling Home – While Adding a Feng Twist!

Okay, here it is just before the Chinese or Lunar New Year and you know there are many things you were supposed to do to prepare. But it isn’t going to happen in one day! Think about putting a few of these things in place the day before the New Year, even if they are done imperfectly. What great FENG energy you’ll create!

Family Cleaning Their House Together for Before the Chinese New Year

Family Cleaning Their House Together for Before the Chinese New Year

Imagine stepping into your home every day, and it feels as vibrant and festive as the Chinese New Year celebration. While we might not have the time for a weekly deep clean—because, really, who does?—we’ve got some light-hearted habits that will keep your home in tiptop shape. Embrace these weekly rituals, and you’ll have a home that radiates positive energy and good fortune!

  1. Declutter with Delight: Channel your inner Feng Shui master with bite-sized, weekly decluttering sessions. Implement a schedule that aligns with the lunar calendar – perhaps declutter your pantry on the first Friday and the mudroom on the third Sunday of every month. It’s a tidying strategy that even Confucius would approve of!
  2. Mop with Joy: Mopping might not be everyone’s idea of fun, but it’s crucial for maintaining a hygienic and auspicious home, especially with little ones running around. Implement the “No Outdoor Shoes Inside” rule to keep the good vibes flowing. Imagine dancing through your kitchen without a care, knowing the floors are as clean as a dragon’s lair (Okay, that’s a little far fetched even for me!).
  3. Bed Linens for Sweet Dreams: Changing bed linens can feel like a royal chore, but making it a weekly habit can transform your sleep sanctuary. Make your bed a haven fit for an emperor or empress, surrounded by the comfort of fresh linens. After all, Feng Shui was originally only for the Emperor of the country. Now you can also channel your inner Empress as well as your Feng Shui Master!
  4. Dust and Vacuum with a Smile: Turn dusting and vacuuming into a weekly dance routine! It’s not just about cleanliness; it’s about extending the life of your carpets and floors. If time is as elusive as a lucky cat, consider enlisting the help of a robot vacuum. Your home will be so spotless; even the spirits will be impressed. (Side note – Did you know that Black Cats were considered royalty in many cultures? PLUS considered GOOD LUCK if they crossed your path!)
  5. Bathroom Bliss: Scrubbing the bathroom might not be the most glamorous task, but it’s worth it. A weekly spa day for your bathroom—scrubbing, wiping, and shining—will make it a place you don’t want to escape from.
  6. Kitchen Kung Fu: Master the art of keeping your kitchen clean and tidy. A quick wipe down after dinner will make your kitchen sparkle, and your home will radiate the warmth of a family feast fit for a fabulous female!.

Incorporate these light-hearted habits into your routine, and your home will be the center of joy, luck, and good vibes – just like a Chinese New Year celebration that never ends!

Gong Hay Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year!